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  1. Bud Monsta UK

    My monsters!!!!!! Check it out!

    yeah a friend of mine grew some jus in a bacck yard (no ghouse) and yielded 19oz per plant! il keep you posted, im having to top them, alot to avoid them hitting the roof!!
  2. Bud Monsta UK

    My monsters!!!!!! Check it out!

    My greenhouse monsta's! started them in march, unsure of the actual strains as they were all pick outta some nice lemon bud i had that was a bit seedy... lookin good so far...
  3. Bud Monsta UK

    The UK Growers Thread!

    suppose thers 1 good thing bout livin in the sticks then!
  4. Bud Monsta UK

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    yeah i kno i should really, jus havent got round to it yet! thats how i tell when my regs are needing food, the bottom leaves start to yellow a bit... theyre big 6fters! check out the uk thread!
  5. Bud Monsta UK

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hahaha! my mate reckon his mate grew some 6ft'ers in his garden in yorks (not in a ghouse) and they yielded 19 oz per plant!!! im 6ft 2 and 3 of em tower over me loool
  6. Bud Monsta UK

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    3 weeks from germ, blue ryder & diesel ryder autos, boibizz light mix,MG and some nice topsoil all mixed together. no nutes yet cos the MG has nutes in and i wanna make sure they are all used up before adding extras to avoid nute burn...
  7. Bud Monsta UK

    The UK Growers Thread!

    maybe if i get another green house n make it into a double decker.... lol. it wont harm them by chopping the tips will it? they've begun flowering, 9/9 seed to female AGAIN! the only time iv seen males is in the autos i got goin, outta 20 seeds (blue + nycd) 16 germed 3 bb male 1 nycd male so...
  8. Bud Monsta UK

    The UK Growers Thread!

    mate i havent seen a frost in september for fukin years! you'll be ok into october this year i reckon.... i got mine in a greenhouse tho, they're gettin too BIG anyone got any ideads to stop them? ive been topping em but the bastards jus shoot up even more each time!
  9. Bud Monsta UK

    10 ft monsters!

    iv go a similar problem with my greenhouse crop... i started them in march, maybe a bit too early lol
  10. Bud Monsta UK

    The UK Growers Thread!

    dont tell the police where ur gonna be growing it, also remember to sing to them every night before dusk never after as they are sleeping.
  11. Bud Monsta UK

    The UK Growers Thread!

    think the original white widow mr nice sells as 'black widow', im sure i read that on their site... my mate popped round last night and says right what bud do u want? iv got pot of gold, skunk #1, nycd or jak herer! so i got a bit of each and this is how i rate em! #1 jak herer (stinky almost...
  12. Bud Monsta UK

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    looking good mate! just transplanted 4 blue and 4 diesel ryder into their final pots 8 more to do 2mo im running outta space rapidly with my 8 mature regulars aswell :)
  13. Bud Monsta UK

    The UK Growers Thread!

    iv never tryed this but i read.... you can preheat ur oven to 50c then turn it off and put ur bud in and it drys as the oven cools. (if ur gonna do it check if it is 50c i dont wanna be responsible for disintergrating ur bud lol)
  14. Bud Monsta UK

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    iv just repotted 4 blue ryder n 4 diesel ryder. they were started in biobizz light mix soil then iv transferred them into their final pots using 50% MG (nuted stuff) and 50% nice light top soil and a bit of light mix i had left over... 8 down 8 to go! im running outta space rapidly in the...
  15. Bud Monsta UK

    The UK Growers Thread!

    if people actually pay these prices then its just gonna get worse... they should legalise it and put all these conning little bastards outta business and abolish road tax or something... we can dream!
  16. Bud Monsta UK

    The UK Growers Thread!

    iv decided after iv blazed this mango im not buying any more, its getting way way too expensive to enjoy it any more.. when i 1st started blazing 20 an 8th where ever u go in the uk, its only the last 2 years ppl have started getting too greedy and fuckin about with weight and charging the earth...
  17. Bud Monsta UK

    The UK Growers Thread!

    got a txt from a dealer ' dry bulky peng bud, train wreck 30 an 8th' HAHAHA fuckin idiot! i struggle to come to terms with paying 50's on a Q off him normally ppl are gonna start getting hurt asking for these ridiculous prices, hes lucky he told me by txt else he'd have a right hook come his...
  18. Bud Monsta UK

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    not bad at all mate! hows it taste? iv got 9 of these germed in the greenhouse!
  19. Bud Monsta UK

    The UK Growers Thread!

    the 1st 2 are auto seedlings, the rest are my 'mixed bunch' il take some more pics individualy for possible id'ing pictures taken weds, iv since repotted the auto's.
  20. Bud Monsta UK

    The UK Growers Thread!

    my 'random' greenhouse grow is going well, still dont have a clue what strains they are lol 3 look similar 1 is a giant, 1 is a retard but smells very indica, 1 is some kinda skunk im guessing hardly any branching just big fan leaves also getting tall and the other 6 are varied also, il get some...