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    Some one help i transplanted and now my plants are sad!!!

    SO what should I do to reverse the process?, or any tips on how much and of what I should put in my soil to not make it "hot".
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    Some one help i transplanted and now my plants are sad!!!

    So I have these healthy plants in smart pots outside and they look great they're in fox farm soil. I dug big holes in the ground on my property and filled them up with a mixture of mostly compost and earthworm castings and a little bit of blood meal and green sand....I thought this was a...
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    Co2 Good ol' sugar water and yeast

    Cool, so do you have any other ways of producing CO2 out of somewhat "household" items?
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    Co2 Good ol' sugar water and yeast

    So does anyone have any methods of producing CO2 for my grow room besides buying all the expensive shit? At least until I get some more $$$
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    Co2 Good ol' sugar water and yeast

    yes it is possible to produce to much CO2 in your room anything over 2000ppm can actually damage the plants.
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    Co2 Good ol' sugar water and yeast

    Hi I am trying to get CO2 in my room without having to by any of the expensive equipment for now so I tried the 1.25L of water mixed with 1lb. of sugar and a small packet of yeast. I read that this was supposed to produce CO2 for up to 2 weeks, but when I made the mixture it doesn't seem to be...