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  1. K

    Can cardboard be used for an airtight seal?

    can anyone help i have a plant in 1st week of flowering and is nute loocked its leaves are curling,turningyellow and is turning purple on da edges slightly the ph has not moved in a week i flushed with fresh water cleaned da bucket and still nuthing refilled with fresh nuted also. was growing...
  2. K

    Leaves curling, Help please

    first time posting can anyone help .I have a plant that just went into flowering its leaves are curling under and yellowing in spots the edges are turning purple the white hairs just started coming out.this happened with in is also nute locked can anyone tell me unlock this beauty.i...
  3. K


    man can anyone help i have a plant that just went into flowering it wuz nice until then .The leaves are curling under and yellowing in spots,and da edges are turning purple slightly its steel flowering very slowly but my main concerne is dat da ph has not changed in a week since it started even...