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  1. G

    When plants start to preflower, if it has a bunch of white hairs/pistils, does this mean it is...

    When plants start to preflower, if it has a bunch of white hairs/pistils, does this mean it is female. With that being said, is it possible for male plants to have a bunch of white hairs/pistils?
  2. G

    Thanks again for all of the feedback, this is my first grow. I moved them out on the back deck...

    Thanks again for all of the feedback, this is my first grow. I moved them out on the back deck again today and they look great. I have read some info concerning pruning (topping) of the plants. What are your thoughts concerning topping? Once I get the light moved, I am gonna move the 10 that...
  3. G

    i just finally figured out how to upload some photos. Do you have access to my albums, if so, I...

    i just finally figured out how to upload some photos. Do you have access to my albums, if so, I only have one wilting plants. If you don't mind, take a look at and let me know what you think. Thanks
  4. G

    I cant figure out how to download the pictures. I have dont this quite a few times on other...

    I cant figure out how to download the pictures. I have dont this quite a few times on other sites (as far as downloading pictures from my camera/computer to different websites. I just cannot figure it out. Any ideas????
  5. G

    I had these on the back deck earlier today and they looked great. I brought them in and put...

    I had these on the back deck earlier today and they looked great. I brought them in and put under the light within a couple of hours they started to wilt. I am not sure if this the same thing as cupping. I just took some pictures and will upload.
  6. G

    I had these on the back deck earlier today and they looked great. I brought them in and put...

    I had these on the back deck earlier today and they looked great. I brought them in and put under the light within a couple of hours they started to wilt. I am not sure if this the same thing as cupping. I just took some pictures and will upload.
  7. G

    Thanks for answering my question concerning the pollination outdoors etc. I have another, if...

    Thanks for answering my question concerning the pollination outdoors etc. I have another, if you dont mind helping me again. I have moved some plants around 10 inside underneath a 400 HPS light. Some of the plants under the light, the new growth has started to wilt and look very skinny. I...
  8. G

    I have got some beauties that are a little over a month old, but about half of the plants all...

    I have got some beauties that are a little over a month old, but about half of the plants all new growth at the top looks wilted. Any ideas to what is going on here? Thanks so much!!
  9. G

    Why would the new growth at the top of the plant be wilted looking?

    Why would the new growth at the top of the plant be wilted looking?
  10. G

    East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

    This will be my first attempt at a grow, have grown other veggies in the past with some pretty good success such as tomatos. I have around 20 plants that are in individual containers at this point. I have some land on the east coast in the Carolinas that I would like to transplant some of...