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  1. S

    loss of potency in clones

    alright, sounds good. but where did the story of multi generations of clones loseing potency come from. cause this way seems alot easier.
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    crushed glass for slugs?

    the only problem with this is that if you have dogs there gonna drink it, and it's funny till you reailize, shit i need to take this thing to the vet. cause how the hell does beer affect dogs, and your vets gonna think your fuckning nuts. i would use a copper wire, not the rount kind but the...
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    Growing with a topsy turvy.....

    i'm pretty sure that the roots don't want, nor need light for growth, it might even hurt them. i think those bags are used to make harvesting easier for tomatos and stuff like that.
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    loss of potency in clones

    so i want to get into cloning my plants. i plan on testing all the subjects on their growth rate, hight, production, and of cours, taste, poetency and how harsh it is. i was considering either taking clones from the best plant, or just reveging the best plant and using her as the clone mother...
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    I hope my mom dies

    oh man, this shit just went all over the place. from someone geting their stash destroyed to racism? how the fuck did that happen. isin't this fourum for growing. whatev, one of the most intresting threds ive read. and good for you 420, gettin along with mom. fishing rocks. i get why your...
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    how long to wait before i clone my mother plant?

    so how long do i have to wait before i clone my mother plant, like, if i take clones off her, when will i be able to take clones off her again. thanks in advance all.
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    Stealth Antique Grow Blueberry and Sharks Breath BC Nutes

    well man come on, lets hear some updates.
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    Stealth Antique Grow Blueberry and Sharks Breath BC Nutes

    that's a nice looking setup, thanks for including pics.
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    attitude review?

    no way, euro's and pounds are worth way more than the us dollar. 30 pounds comes out to about 50 dollars.
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    Stealth Antique Grow Blueberry and Sharks Breath BC Nutes

    thats good, i never thought of using pc fans, how many amps do they pull if you know?
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    Stealth Antique Grow Blueberry and Sharks Breath BC Nutes

    dude this is pretty sick. I was trying to decide whether i should go with a grow box earlier or not. decided not to go through with it, but this looks really cool. mabey for exaust you could drill holes in the back and then cover the holes with boards depending on how hot or cold you want it...
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    how early can i sex?

    so here's a quick question...i hope. I know that in order to tell if a plant is male or female you have to put them on the 12/12 light cycle, but when is the soonest i can do this? thanks in advance:joint:
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    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    dude, they should just have a thing where we get to choose where we want the money to go, so like when you do your taxes you can check a box thats like, education, feeding the poor, saving the polar bears, not filling jail cells full of grass smokers and instead filling it with real criminals...
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    attitude review?

    yea, i live in WA and was just wondering how long it would take to get them. its my first time ordering seeds so i am a little nervous. probebly just some pre weed jitters.
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    attitude review?

    so i just ordered some seeds from attitude, pretty awsome. but i'm wondering how long they take to delever. i've been looking around and the dates seem to be all over the place. also, i got it with the shirt so i do want to know what that looks like, so stoked for the shirt. really, thats the...