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  1. E

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Harvested my 150watt HPS Hempy/Lucas/LST girl 66 of 12/12 I didn't weigh the wet weight. I will weigh it when its dry... I'm guessing a little over 1.5 oz...maybe more.(after its dry) I will post more pics and dry weight in about a week. A simple run down of setup... Small closet...
  2. E

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Hempy/lucas and LST using 150 watts these pics on day 63 of 12/12 ... whatcha think? almost done? I also used room temp. distilled water throughtout the whole grow, using Lucas formula... I never once checked my ph or anything. I just tried to keep it simple.