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  1. R

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    this is a great thread
  2. R

    The Art of The Auto

    nice thread great info
  3. R

    female pre-flowers

    great info
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    250W DR60 Grow

    great grow keep it up
  5. R

    MichiganMan's Medical Grow

    man those are some nice tasty lookin buds its like a fresh slice of pizza good
  6. R

    First CFL closet grow ghetto rigged

    gotta use what you got great job
  7. R

    Autoflower pictures thread! All variety's free to post!

    great grows to all nice pics great job
  8. R

    Fast Forward Pics up to Week 6 Bloom

    man nice those look delish
  9. R

    bubbleponics/dwc come see what's up in my closet!!!!

    nice job cant wait for some pics
  10. R

    Welcome New Members!

    im glad to be here lots of good info