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  1. Critter80

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Nice grow! hope its ok if i ask a few questions...How do you do rez changes w/ the screen? Do you use any h2o2? How deep/big r your tubs? How do you add/check nute ph/water level. Thx in advance and again great grow! Nice to see some piss.
  2. Critter80

    The Daily Bud

    Great pics as usual Sub! I'm bout to run your Jillybean pretty stoked.
  3. Critter80

    BlackRoses' Dairy Farm Blue Cheese and Milky Way scrog

    I like your grow sorry to hear about the hermie. quick question your ph do you always keep it low? is it what your nutes recommend? I always ph to 6.5-6.8 but i use ff trio but i have been having ph issues(ph gets low)...anythoughts?