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    just had to harvest plant but it raind over night

    so i just went out and saw that my plant was snaped laying there,so i had to take her in,but it kinda raind over night so its kinda wet,will it be ok
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    little bit of mold on top bud

    its outdoor,and how do i get it out without destroying the whole bud
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    little bit of mold on top bud

    what should i do,will it be alright its just a little spot
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    one branch is bent and hanging

    cool thanks man i was a little worried lol idk even know how it happened
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    one branch is bent and hanging

    i just checked my plant and a bud on the end of a branch is just bent and hanging,will this be ok for like anothr week till harvest,its not like broken it's just bent
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    corn getting cut down help!!!

    i just saw a field that was already getting cut down not mine but one close,im hoping mine dont but what should i do,is there anything i could do lol
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    anyone got cornfield grow pics?

    im tryin to check some pics from corn fields if anyone has any
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    something keeps digging up plants in the corn

    every time i go out to check them something was always diggin them up iv lost a couple now cause of it,what should i do?
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    ripped alot of roots when transplanting

    i just transplanted my plant and the container i had it was hard to get it out of and i ended up ripping like half of the roots it was pretty bad,has this happened to anyone and the plant was still ok?
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    corn field grow

    how should i plant my plants in the corn and how tall should it be it's about almost waist high right now
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    I Got My Plant In A Coffee Container Will This Be Hard To Transplant?

    all i could find was a coffee container that has like a handle on it,so im thinkin it might be kinda hard to get it out to tranplant,what do you all think has anyone ever use one lol im not tryin to fuck my plant up cause from that its a plant vanilla kush
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    How Tall should Corn can Be?

    how tall should corn be before i put my plants in the fields,its about a foot now maybe
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    Rain and Thunderstorms for a Next Week

    i need to get my plants outside i was about to do it tomorrow,but theres goin to be rain all week with only like 2 days between of sun so what should i do
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    Snaped One Trying to Get it to Stand Up Right

    im just wondering if u think it will be ok
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    Snaped One Trying to Get it to Stand Up Right

    i have some in my window and one was leaning over so i tried to stand it up and it snaped but not completey so would it heal back up cause its some pineapple chunk i cant lose that
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    Plants in Window Growing to the Side Instead of Up?

    i have 2 plants that are curving and growing to the side instead of straight up,what should u do?
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    Can I Use Half Regular Soil That's in Ground and Half Bag Soil?

    i got like 8 plants that need to go out and that spots pretty far of a walk to get to and cant be seen carrying anything that isn't in a backpack,so im gonna need to somehow put the bag out soil in backpack with wont be that much so how should i do this,can i just mix some good soil in and use...
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    How to Get Plants to Spot?

    how should i get my plants to my spot safe,i need to drive there and walk through alot of woods and it need to all be in a backpack somehow
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    Growing Off a Hiking Trail by Park

    i found these hiking trails that dont look like many ppl go there and i've found some good spots to plant some there,what do you all think,has any one ever grew by a park and hiking trails?
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    Anyone Got Cornfield Grow Pics?

    I don't really have any other choice though,I don't know of any other place around other then corn to do it in,I've grown one in one of the fields around in the past and it turned out to be real nice