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  1. G

    Fence Posts

    I know many of you have seen the top fed NFT systems that are made of plastic fence posts from the hardware store. I've seen pictures of them here, actually. Would it be necessary to paint these black? I know that root systems naturally prefer dark. Also how necessary is it to get the...
  2. G

    nutrient advice. humboldt gravity +rep for help

    I was going to post this in plant problems but this thread looked like a good place to post as well. I have 11 ladies that just started to flower today. They are in ocean forest and have had no other nutrients other than the bushmaster that i applied as a folier spray. approx i ml to a...
  3. G

    air pump question

    how many liters per minute do i need per 5 gallon bucket for a dwc system....not sure what pump to get?????? ive got 9 buckets. is a 110L/min pump complete overkill or can i get away with one thats like 45?...
  4. G

    Cleaning the grow room after a disaster

    OK. So, I somehow missed that one of my plants turned Hermie and pollinated the entire crop. Yeah...Dammit....Well, my question is how do i sterilize my grow room. I don't want any pollen sitting around. Will simply Lysol do the trick or what??
  5. G

    WTF is the problem here

    awsome everything is looking ok tonight dont reall have time to put up all the picks cause its date night with the woman, but ill have em up tomorrow. ill be posting lots of them on my grow journal too...can someone tell mle how to link my grow journal in my thread signature??? Ps the only...
  6. G

    2008/Big Bud & Unknown Indica

    Well, I had some problems this week with what is believed to be root rot. I've been trying to fix this problem with some help from the plant problems forum. Changed up the set up a bit. going to a smaller res. to make changes easier. I added larger air stones for more oxygen. But the girls...
  7. G

    Green Light.

    The plants get seeded cause they turn hermie from the light stress on the plants. I use green light in my flowering chamber when I need to do night time hour work, however I dont like to use it much even if everyone says the green light is ok.
  8. G

    WTF is the problem here

    Picked these up today for the res. Hopefully they'll increase my oxygen levels. The new smaller res also is completely light tight. Wrapped the sucka with black duck tape all over. So im hoping this is going to solve my problems. I know that everyone said there is no getting rid of this but...
  9. G

    Romulan WEED in my Shower!!!

    awsome lookin plant take some clones then flower that sucker. dont wast the genes clone it get five more of them suckers.
  10. G

    WTF is the problem here

    I added 12 oz of h2o2 3% before i read any of the posts today. Although this may kill the plants becuase I apparently added to much, the roots look much better right now these pic are about 1 hour after the h2o2 was added. Compare the first four shots vs. the last two. Which were taken day...
  11. G

    WTF is the problem here

    ultra sonic fogger???? not familiar with that.
  12. G

    WTF is the problem here

    kept the same nutes they are fox farms grow big
  13. G

    WTF is the problem here

    what makes you so sure its a fungus?? and if its bacteria would the h2o2 not kill it?
  14. G

    WTF is the problem here

  15. G

    WTF is the problem here

    ok so i changed my set up got rid of the old 20 gallon set up and opted for a 10 gallon. much more convienent to change the res. water is f*ing heavy. got the res changed and put my future mother in her own bucket. Do I need to cut off the infected parts of the roots or will the oxygenated...
  16. G

    WTF is the problem here

    Heard.....I added airstones this morning. I am cutting the roots tonight when the big light goes on. I cant do work in the veg chamber while the flowering light is off. How much h2o2 do I add, and also h202 is merely hydrogen peroxide correct?
  17. G

    WTF is the problem here

    theres about 20 gallons of water in the res. I put in an air stone today. I made the assumption that the pump and the water moving around would oxiginate the water enough. thats what I get for assuming. can this be turned around? Im getting ready to ditch the system anyway. that big of a...
  18. G

    WTF is the problem here

    yes it is a dwc system i made. im using fox farms nutes the strain is big bud. damn this sucks!
  19. G

    WTF is the problem here

    If I change my solution again will that help or is there no help and my girls are doomed.
  20. G

    WTF is the problem here

    I just changed out my nutrient solution, but in the past day and a half i have this black build up in my hoses and on my roots what do I do. what caused this???????