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  1. V

    bagseed breed unknown

    yeah.. their skinny compared to some of the pictures I have seen on here. so it's looking like it's got some sativa. I had my first sample of it last night and it was a real clear up buzz...
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    bagseed breed unknown

    I actually bred my latest from two different decent unknown seeds and am wondering if it's Sativa. When first blooming it had a real berry smell, but as it got more mature began to get a little more pine to it. And I'm on about 10 weeks and still not seeing much amber.. but getting cloudy...
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    Rinsing Cutting

    Anyone regularly rinse their harvest? I have a kinda dusty area(fine soil dust gets on everything) and I think that I should rinse the fresh harvest, then shake it out well before drying - that rinse and shake shouldn't be an issue right?
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    Confused on flushing

    Thanks cruzer101 - this info has been more understandable than the FAQ which appears to be three articles of differing "opinion" - the first: flush makes no diff; second says less than a week, and the last goes full blast to say up to two weeks. So I was just as in need of info as Cheech. Also...
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    plant in late bloom in trouble

    thanks for the reply - I realized now that I should have put more details.. I have seen the late-stage yellowing, but this is definitely not that - it's a nutrient problem of some sort, the leaves are browning, curling and crumbly, which I think might have been due to ph being at around 5.2-5.3...
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    plant in late bloom in trouble

    hello - my plant is having issues that are destroying the major fans leaves and now moving on to the smaller fan leaves, but I am not going to try to diagnose, or fix it, just keep it going for hopefully the next two weeks so I can harvest. I am planning to go all water tonight.. in hopes of...
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    Soil vs. Hydro

    hey - I actually think that hydro can be forgiving too if you catch it in time, cause I messed up my first hydro by putting nuts on too young of plants and burned them(best to wait till about three weeks before you start light nutes) - generally, if you see something wrong, fix it immediately...
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    Prune Sprouted..can it be sexed?

    Since this is my first hydro, I have been doing a bit of experimentation, for learning sake. So I stuck some random, pre-sex'ed, and unlabeled trimmings in water- with no intention of using them. But now a root has shot out of two of them I am curious to see what I can do with it. Problem is...
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    Calibration of pH meter

    I would imagine you have to use one 20ml pack each time you calibrate, correct? Also, how often do you have to calibrate it? I saw somewhere in the FAQ that you don't have to calibrate each time - I want to check that. I haven't bought one yet but got ahold of a Checker 1 pdf instructions...
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    Nute Label Says BAD??

    Hey man.. Thanks for the responses - I waited a few minutes between adding them and the water looked a bit like tea colored to me .. it seemed to be bubbling pretty smoothly.. so I'm not gonna worry much there.. I also checked out this article and it warns too of the oxygen just saying that the...
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    Nute Label Says BAD??

    So I was reading my nute label after getting my DWC bubbler started and it says "Never Use Oxygen in your solution"... So I went to a website that sells the product and found this: (House & Garden Aqua Flakes 1L by Horizen Hydroponics) "Notice: Do NOT add Aqua Flakes A&B at the same time, as...
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    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Hey - like Smitty I'm setting up damn near the same system you described but wanted to find out about the drip. early on you said it was a pain - in what way.. needing to move it when you were changing the juice? Also what wasthe drip that you were using just something like what you can get a...
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    Trying to start a indoor growing area

    on the topic of closets - once had a fire dept show up and tell me they needed to inspect the sprinkler heads in the place and that there was one in the closet where I had them - I nearly shit right there, then they saw the bedroom door closed and asked if someone was in there. Told them my girl...