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  1. B

    Safe to order seeds from Nirvana to European countries?

    Apparently it is reasonably safe. The stealth shipping was very good. :)
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    How To Make Edibles/ Ways To Consume Cannabis Without The Strong Taste???

    Considering that in the thread you posted just prior to this one you're talking about giving someone edibles without their knowledge, then I would say that you don't, or rather, that you shouldn't. Turn off your caps-lock key, and learn how to use punctuation!
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    Advice on Ikea grow cabinets?

    I would be using either a carbon (activated charcoal) or Ozone generator on a timer, or possibly both just to be extra careful. I am aware that high concentrations of Ozone are bad for both plants and more importantly humans so I would setup the timer so that it would be turned on for a very...
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    Advice on Ikea grow cabinets?

    I assume this is so that air is getting pulled through the box? Cold air intake at bottom, hot air exhaust at the top going through a carbon filter and/or ozone generator. Yeah I noticed the material is a bit thin but I won't be mounting anything too heavy on the back. Probably just the fans...
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    Safe to order seeds from Nirvana to European countries?

    Here it's a bit different. If customs find something they do not like, then you will get a fine and usually a quite expensive one. I am not sure how hard they look for seeds though. This is why I want to get an idea from some people living in the EU. I searched but I only managed to find...
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    Safe to order seeds from Nirvana to European countries?

    How safe would it be to order seeds (10 packet) online from Nirvana to a European country (where it's not legalised.) I am concerned about customs and the reliability of the stealth packaging. Do customs already know how to look for these orders? I would really like to read about someone from...
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    Advice on Ikea grow cabinets?

    I wouldn't necessarily agree that Ikea's products are cheap or poor quality. Of course, the cabinet is made of wood and could catch fire if there was significant heat. I plan to be using CFL lighting and three to four 12 cm fans along along with monitoring of the temperatures. I think as long as...
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    Do-it-yourself Ozone Generator

    Yeah. I don't know of anyone who owns one in the country where I am living.
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    Advice on Ikea grow cabinets?

    I'm within the EU (European Union) so Sears isn't really an option for me. I think the Ikea cabinets are very strong and well-built. I have a similar cabinet in my bathroom but I do not want to modify that one.
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    Advice on Ikea grow cabinets?

    I will keep this in mind. I think topping is also good for keeping a plant short and bushy. I would rather use multiple PC fans though since they are inexpensive and readability available at my local computer store... I'm a complete newbie here, but I'm guessing that two 12 cm intake fans and...
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    Advice on Ikea grow cabinets?

    Do you think it would be possible to grow non-auto flowering plants there too? I checked the height of Northern Lights and it's about 100 cm but I think you can train the plant to grow a bit lower by topping it right? Also what about the fans? Is it better to have both intake and exhaust fans...
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    Do-it-yourself Ozone Generator

    R2F, I could order one but I am a bit paranoid about ordering such items online. I don't have a secondary address for which to ship supplies, and it's a potential way to get busted. Especially since I'm a long way from the U.S. and this means more customs checks. Call it paranoia but I want to...
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    Advice on Ikea grow cabinets?

    I would also be eating the final product, rather than smoking or vaporizing because I believe this increases the body feeling and smoking tends to give me strong paranoia. I've eaten space cakes in Amsterdam previously and that was a wonderful experience. Very mellow and relaxing and helpful for...
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    Advice on Ikea grow cabinets?

    monkeybones, thanks for the advice! I think I will go for Northern Lights #1. Would it be okay for a non-auto flowering strain though? I ask because Nirvana's auto flowering seeds are all feminized and I want my first grow to include a male so that I can put some seeds into storage. You never...
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    Need advise on stealth box purchase/build

    luckystrike, I am also looking at building a stealth grow cabinet from an Ikea cabinet. They cost about £38, so really this is quite cheap. However you do need some knowledge of electrical engineering to install lighting/fans/etc. Fans are safe if you're using computer case fans because they are...
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    Advice on Ikea grow cabinets?

    I forgot to mention that I want the end result to be a medical/body-stoned effect, so the plants would either be Sativa/Indica or Indica strains. I am looking at White Widow and Northern Lights #1 (mostly Indica as far as I know.)
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    Advice on Ikea grow cabinets?

    Hi, I am looking to build a stealth grow cabinet that is small, quiet, and enough for 1-2 plants. I've searched the forums and found a lot of build journals for various grow cabinets but most of them are a lot larger than what I require, or it's hard to tell exactly what size they are. I am...
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    Do-it-yourself Ozone Generator

    I just found this cheap ozone generator page and thought it might be useful. This is not my page and I do not take any credit for the idea. I also would not recommend building this unless you have some good knowledge of electrical engineering. Electrocution or fire is not something that you...
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    Welcome New Members!

    I thought I should introduce myself before asking a bunch of questions you've all probably read hundreds of times. :mrgreen: I'm joking of course. I know to use the search. I wasn't very interested in MJ before but after a trip to Amsterdam and trying some space cakes I found it very relaxing...