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  1. L

    od plants flowering way too early

    My plants are still small and in full bloom. Anything I can do to help them back to vegetative. Nutrients?? Remove buds?? Never had this problem in this location before. Any feedbach woul be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!
  2. L

    help with early flowering

    My plants are already in full bloom and haven't gotten very big. Anyway to revert to vegie without putting them under 18-24hr light. Would appreciate any help please. First time I didn't have any seeds and had to use indoor clones. Help!!!!!!!!!!
  3. L

    help with early flowering

    I planted maybe a little too early from indoor clones and my outdoor plants are in full flowering stage. I don't have the capacity to return them to indoor lighting. They are still pretty small plants. Is there anything I can do? Help PLEASE!!!!