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  1. C

    Grow More Nutrients

    What's your site?
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    Homebrewer is the shizzz

    What's everyone's favorite recipe ?
  3. C

    Thinking about trying dyna gro

    Folage pro all the way through, I'm goin to give it a run.
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    Dyna-gro, Grow vs Foliage Pro

    Hola amigos, what's the latest? I'm getting ready to flower another rip and trying to decide if grow all the way through bloom is the way to go? Or if a fifty fifty mix would be more the way to go? I am using straight coco.....
  5. C

    DR Greenthumbs Iranian G13

    so what ever happened
  6. C

    Hello there how are you , I am moveing to Costa Rica and was reading this post , and I thought I...

    Hello there how are you , I am moveing to Costa Rica and was reading this post , and I thought I would say hi , I will be moving to lafortuna in the next couple of months and hope to make Freinds wih like minded people like myself , also do you ever order seeds and do they get through , ect...
  7. C

    Michigan Reps Itself - Mi's Official Medical Marijuana Gallery.

    Just found this thread , nice to see some of my neighboors ,
  8. C

    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    Hey there how are you , ive been tagging along myself , i recenty started vegging with a glh black star 240 watt led , now im thinking about making a investment for the flowering room, what brand do you recomend, and do you think it is better to use multiple smaller panels say 240 black star or...