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  1. OhGr

    Growin' chillies by the scotland

    Ha, yea. I forgot to use a discount code for my purchase. :( Ohhh well, there is always next time. p.s tried my bong out last night and it is the shit!
  2. OhGr

    Growin' chillies by the scotland

    i order my bong on July 1st and it came July 14th just so you get an idea of the time it takes. you don't have to have an account to buy from them though it helps. I'm gonna try my new baby out tonight. :) Can't fucking wait!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  3. OhGr

    First Grow - PC Case!

    Glad to hear eveything is going well ohsnapwnt.
  4. OhGr

    Growin' chillies by the scotland

    Nice to be back bro, Kicking me out was whatever but they didn't have to wreck my stuff. I could have grown other plants in there. Oh well, it's in the past now. On a brighter note, I got my new bong and pipe today from Grasscity!!:hump::hump::hump:
  5. OhGr

    Growin' chillies by the scotland

    Well, they let me move back in but i can't grow anymore till i get me own place where I'm alone or with ppl who don't care.
  6. OhGr

    Growin' chillies by the scotland

  7. OhGr

    Growin' chillies by the scotland

    Idk, I love growing but Idk.
  8. OhGr

    Growin' chillies by the scotland

    Lights, my two grow rooms, the whole shebangabang. Over 200 bucks worth of stuff.
  9. OhGr

    Growin' chillies by the scotland

    Well guys...... My roommates found my grow and I got kicked out, Working on asking them to let me back, They destroyed all my equipment and plants... Everything....sigh. I don't know anymore........... I might not be posting for a few.... Peace bros. _OhGr.
  10. OhGr

    Grow Journal: my first grow with 600w MH/HPS

    Nice, Tell us how it smokes later.
  11. OhGr

    Burn? (PIC)

    But it is a burn from the light>?
  12. OhGr

    Burn? (PIC)

  13. OhGr

    Burn? (PIC)

    The other plant to the right has a burn like this too but only on the tip of one leaf. I have seen new growth since the burn. Just wondering if the spot on the leaf will turn back to green.
  14. OhGr

    Burn? (PIC)

    It has been in a one gallon pot for 10 days since sprout 12 since planted. Under two 42watt cfls 2700k.
  15. OhGr

    Burn? (PIC)

    It happened a couple days ago so I moved it down from the lights a tad. It hasn't got any worse but will it go away?
  16. OhGr

    Burn? (PIC)

    Hey, Is this a burn from being to close to the lights or what?
  17. OhGr

    Growin' chillies by the scotland

    Happy 4th guys!
  18. OhGr

    Growin' chillies by the scotland

    Make you some hash!
  19. OhGr

    Growin' chillies by the scotland

    Gone Fishing.
  20. OhGr

    Growin' chillies by the scotland

    Hot wings ftw