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  1. F

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Don't know who is answering questions as i see bricktown hasn't logged in for a while. Question is i am going to using 3 400W HPS'S w/ ballast's and cpu 80MM fans mounted to cool the blubs, Also going to be using a 600W HPS also fanned, Most likely a 8" inline to draw air in and a 6" to draw...
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    Question about Portable AC/Dehumidifier

    Just my 2 cents on the topic. Used one last year that was bought at home depot for about 200$ (taxed included) the thing worked amazing since last years weather was horrible and so humid... Needed it for drying. If you want the name I just have to look for you, It brought a 75% humid 20'x8'x10'...
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    Posted in the wrong section before, Need some help

    Don't want to double post until the mods move it over here but please check it out and give input, Just added pics of the last harvest.
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    Need help making descisions, Coming from outdoor to indoor....

    request to have this moved to the groom room/setup section...
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    Need help making descisions, Coming from outdoor to indoor....

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    Powering CPU fans

    Just wondering how you guys power cpu fans, I was thinking splicing the cpu fan wires and connecting all of them to one main power supply or have each individual one powered bv a battery maybe? Thus the reason for this thread, Just wondering how you would power it, I am going to be mounting...
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    Need help making descisions, Coming from outdoor to indoor....

    Just wondering why you say stay away from auto's "not worth it"? Only because I've had them outdoors and they produced, Indoors not worth it? I would imagine if you can replicate the sun the best you can you would have a similar results..... Please people I need some help with what direction...
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    Need help making descisions, Coming from outdoor to indoor....

    120 views and no one can even offer input?
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    Need help making descisions, Coming from outdoor to indoor....

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    Aero-Soil Hybrid: Lemon Skunk, Jock Horror, LA Woman

    Nice mix too, im going all jocks (6) then a mix
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    Aero-Soil Hybrid: Lemon Skunk, Jock Horror, LA Woman

    nice going, i wanna know how you like the jock horror. Picked up 10 fem jock horrors
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    Regarding which SH to buy

    sorry should have done more research before posting
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    Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponics

    you guys sold me on the fact to buy from SH and i cannot wait to get it going, Now my question is im growing in a closet that's about 4x6WL and a 6FT Height... Which lighting should i use i was going to go the route with the Dual Spectrum II Lights package with the works along with buying some...
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    Intro and have some questions...

    so whats up, what else will i need in FULL besides the cooler, air tubes, air pump, pot nets.... just want to get everything in FULL then start everything i want the best for the cheapest lol
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    Intro and have some questions...

    yeah i was looking at morgie's setup that he had posted in - and just want to know what else in full will be needed i figure if i get a big enough cooler i can get 6 plants easy but i want to...
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    Intro and have some questions...

    dwc? i just want decent sized plants i have a big closet dedicated just to growing so i want to get the most out of it that i can
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    Intro and have some questions...

    but i know i can build this
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    Intro and have some questions...

    im thinking about just saying fuck it and getting this
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    Intro and have some questions...

    Whats going on guys as you can tell i am new to the site... and new to growing, with that said i've waiting to grow for a long time and now the time has come. I have pretty much the basics of hydro growing. After reading how stealth hydro isn't the best route to go and building my own is...