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  1. C

    Tecnaflora, BC Grow-BC Bloom

    I just bought there starter kit but it came with 9 differant things but this is my first grow my plants are 3 weeks old in a dwc system I'm using boost,grow,thrive red,magical and sugar daddy all at half strengh but within an hour it turned my roots from healthy white to an ugly brown color they...
  2. C

    Aeroponic Brown Roots

    just had that same problem I just switched from plain tap water to technefloras boost,grow,thrive,magical and suggar daddy to my 10 gal dwc at half strengh my within about an hour my roots turned from a nice white color to brown they still seem super healthy but this is my first grow so I'm not...
  3. C

    why are my roots brown

    So my plants are about 3 weeks old and I just switched from plain tap water to technafloras starter package cause this is my first grow and it seemed like a good deal so I used boost,grow,thrive alive red,magical and sugar daddy that is the (recipe for success) that came with the nutes but I...