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  1. KiefCatcher

    you HS guys

    !! Lmfao. Fdd, no worries mate, Subway gang has left the building. Gotta expand their turf.
  2. KiefCatcher

    im fuckin done too man!

    Ya know what? I'm done too. If these guys can do it, I can. Psychedelics have taken their toll on me. When I wake up in the morning...I just want to twist reality. I can't do it anymore. Farewell and so long, friends.
  3. KiefCatcher

    My name is fdd and i am a glassblower

  4. KiefCatcher

    Done Done Done... Fucking done..

    Damn man. I feel you on this. I got to a place in my life right after I got my degree where I realized how much of my life revolved around drugs in general. I realized how much time, money, energy, and headspace I put into drugs as a whole and the potential for so much more in the absense of...
  5. KiefCatcher

    Thank God for bud buddy!

    Hell yeh, what are you on about man?
  6. KiefCatcher

    Research Chemicals: Measuring Doses Accurately (Question)

    That's the very scale I was considering. Haha it is definitely in my price range. I would dissolve it, but that would leave me with 2 cups of solution 2mg/mL. That's a lot of liquid. I will probably end up dumping out all of the powder, evening it all out flat and in a large block, halving...
  7. KiefCatcher

    my kid dumped out all my nutes

    Oi. Good one! :hump:
  8. KiefCatcher

    my kid dumped out all my nutes

    Right on. Fuck you Kizzurt. :eyesmoke:
  9. KiefCatcher

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    Holy shit goten. Those things are lookin good. You're not lyin about the heat. NC is burning up along with the rest of the East. Animals are annoying eating on your plants but you've gotta understand they're just doing what animals do. Sure there's tons of other things they could be eating but...
  10. KiefCatcher

    Research Chemicals: Measuring Doses Accurately (Question)

    I don't need to weigh out .001gr of substance, I am simply saying that the scales claim to be accurate to .001gr.
  11. KiefCatcher

    Research Chemicals: Measuring Doses Accurately (Question)

    I've got a good deal of research chemicals coming pretty soon. What I don't have is an accurate scale capable of weighing out such small doses (0.001g+). I certainly do not want to spend hundreds of dollars on such a scale nor do I want to spend $40-60 on a cheaper one that may be misleading...
  12. KiefCatcher

    My name is fdd and i am a glassblower

    I wouldnt edit it, it was a good laugh lol. The way you proclaimed your potheadedness in the same statement...good stuff man.
  13. KiefCatcher

    My name is fdd and i am a glassblower

    Haha you spelled your own name wrong man. You really are a pothead. Fdd, nice setup. Blown any monsters lately?
  14. KiefCatcher

    Seatbelt citation, thankfully.

    Denying a search around here ends with two or three more squad cars and the K9. The K9 barks at some stank and they say its probable cause and search it anyways.
  15. KiefCatcher

    Seatbelt citation, thankfully.

    Friday night a coworker and I rolled two fat blunts and hotboxed my car on the way back to town. Arriving in town, a state trooper pulls up behind us out of nowhere and hits the lights. This sucks because we are very pungent and have many drugs in the car. In the end I had to tell the officer...
  16. KiefCatcher

    Hello! Long-time shadower

    My uncle, who just turned 62, had his house raided a couple weeks ago because he had a couple of plants going in the backyard. He accidentally bumped into an officer and got an assault charge ontop of his cultivation, intent to distribute, possession of paraphernalia etc. He's facing hard time...
  17. KiefCatcher

    Morphine pills.

    Sorry, this is the everything but weed subforum.
  18. KiefCatcher

    Beginner guitar songs

    Nice taste SrV. Roomman, just starting out I'd suggest playing songs built almost exclusively around simple chord progressions to familiarize yourself with a good deal of chords and to break in your fingers. Finger picking is also a good little technique to develop as a beginner, try learning...
  19. KiefCatcher

    Hello! Long-time shadower

    Welcome to RIU. Right on! Im glad to hear you have the means necessary to acquire medicinal marjiuana. Insomnia had been a large wrench in my delicate gears for a long time until I started using marijuana to alleviate the symptoms. It is truly an amazing medicine. Good luck my friend.
  20. KiefCatcher

    Suboxone; Bliss and then Vomit Hell

    Who said I was half assing anything? I wanted to take suboxone. I am not prescribed suboxone. I got suboxone from a drug dealer. I didn't think to myself "Im gonna shoot up some junk" and then try to score only to find suboxone. I do the drugs I want to do. Theres time for heroin. Theres time...