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  1. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    To be honest i found its better to let it dry naturally its keeps the smoke clean and sweet. Shouldnt take 3/4 weeks unless ur curing it too. U can dry some bud in a very low heat oven if ur desperate. Patients is the best way to dry it lol Enjoy
  2. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hey all, Its been a while i only seemed to come on here when i have had problems but i learned so much from ye guys that i didnt need to come back lol but....... The only problems ive been having is balls!!! Balls balls balls! I bought 8 feminized white widow seeds from an online seed bank...
  3. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Drink lots of cranberry juice too and keep well away from weed or weed smokers lol best of luck
  4. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Never gonna happen? Thats the wrong attitude. its great news and a step in the right direction!!!!! be hopeful. It Mary harney backs it theres a good chance it could happen, the cunt! lol
  5. scapegoat


    Hey Blat, shes in canada and laws are different there, but i agree i wouldnt be putting up many details of myself on this to honest lol Cant wait for the laws to change in ireland, think ill be a very old man at that stage tho lol
  6. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    jay so no to oil from my male? ive made oil before with females using butane gas which went well but wanna try it with ISO/Rubbing alcohol. just been to 4 chemists and 2 hardware stores and none of them have it. Anyone any idea where i can find it in Dublin? Thanks
  7. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    That gives us a bit of hope, its a step in the right dirction!! fingers crossed! Another question, hash oil from males? how stoned would u get lol?
  8. scapegoat


    hey spanishfly, no idea where i got the russian from lol dont need magnifying glass i can see the balls by eye. its male, was just looking for a second opinion. no need for atitude tho we are all in the same boat. peace and love brother
  9. scapegoat


    to be honest i think i got ripped off and its male! Griffin what should i be looking for inside? thanks for the help guys. very annoyed now wasted months and money and got a male!! not impressed
  10. scapegoat


    russianfly ive read everything i can on sexing but still need a straight answer on whether these are hermies. i know what male and female plants look like, but the confusion is i bought feminized seeds and was just wondering if anyone could help, thanks
  11. scapegoat


    Hey guys need help sexing this plant. they are ment to be feminized seeds but it looks like a hemaphrodite to me. cant say whether is male or female, thanks
  12. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hey guys,plants going very well 2 weeks into flowering and im confused. I bought cheap feminized seeds online this is the first one ive grown and just wondering if someone can tell me if its male or female? or possibily a hemaphrodite, which i think it is. thanks
  13. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    thanks anyway easter think ill just buy one of each fuck it. its a small grow space so think ill be grand wit 2 smaller wattage ones. id love my white widow plant to look like yours :-)
  14. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    im about to splash out on some bulbs. Cfls is all i can use. Need some advice. my budget is small but should i go for two lower wattage red and blue bulbs or one high wattage red or blue? cant decide and not much info on the subject. im growing with 3 low watt cfls at the mo and my plant...
  15. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hey easter your whiterussian looks amazing!!! i see u used 600watt lights. did you use this for flowering too? looks like ul get a few ozs of her! very nice
  16. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i also just cloned my WW plant. is it ok to put the plant i took a cutting off into 12/12 now or shud i give it a few days to heal? also whats with all the political bullshit? who cares, stop living in the past. grow weed, get stoned be happy!!
  17. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hey guys on my 3rd grow at the moment and was just looking for some advice. My plants have started to what i can only describe as sweating. The top odd top leaf does have small wet patches on it. i take it its from the lights. im using cfls and they are about 2-3 inches from the top of...
  18. scapegoat

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey just wondering if u have any idea when this will be ready? I adopted it a while back and put it back into veg after it had been left to die in the dark wit some small flowers. its still pretty small and skinny but the few buds there are are really crystally. but cant remember when i put...
  19. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hey guys need a bit of help, im about to put my plant into flowering it was having nit def but sorted that, but now the new growths and top leaves are growing lime green on inside but normal dark green on outsides. Im thinking magnesem def or to high ph as it 7 at the mo. whats the best way to...
  20. scapegoat

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    CHeers man, The 2 u kept are male? thats bad luck and a pain in the hole. Can ya get much of a buzz if ya smoke the male?