Search results

  1. KillerRedd

    Searching for advice for new growroom.....

    im leaning towards the 400w... with the limited space in the closet there wont be much light loss due to dispersion and with that said i wonder if the 250w will be sufficient. still trying to save money. can anyone tell me if a 250w system would be ok for 3-4 plants? also should i look at...
  2. KillerRedd

    Searching for advice for new growroom.....

    36 views and no response.....i wonder what the record is?
  3. KillerRedd

    Searching for advice for new growroom.....

    Ive come to my senses and decided to switch to a mh/hps system. Ive got a small closet, 2x5x8, that im going to use. Im figuring 3-4 plants max. I just have a few ?'s 250w or 400w light....small space, dont want to over do it, plus it gets really hot here vents....what size fan should i get...
  4. KillerRedd

    1st Grow- Northern Lights & Jock Horror

    done with the drying and....found a couple seeds, one good one. good timing too. blew out a hammy yesterday rollerskating. im old. northern lights and darvocet make a great combo. must go lay down.
  5. KillerRedd

    IS THIS A MALE!!! :( My biggest strongest plant..

    i had a jock horror that seeded throughout but im not sure sbout my northern lights...its drying right now. but i have found one immature seed in it already.
  6. KillerRedd

    What strains are the easiest for a beginning grower??

    just grew out some northern lights, first grow ever, and couldnt have been an easier plant. i used cfl's also.
  7. KillerRedd

    IS THIS A MALE!!! :( My biggest strongest plant..

    my last grow my bestest plant turned male..........almost cried. so i took out my aggressions on said dude. too late. the bastard shot a load in my grow room resulting in many little babies(seeds). was really pissed til i realized that now ive just added to my dwindling seed bank, plus theyre a...
  8. KillerRedd

    kinda nervous about ordering seeds

    had the same issue a few months back.....i quickly got over it. i went with attitude. i even went so far as to send a money order so as not to leave a trail, and did the whole stealth shipping thing. no problems. just have em sent to a different address than where your gonna grow.............
  9. KillerRedd

    Calling All Daddy's. Need Advice

    40yr old army vet and fellow texan here.........glad to see youre not taking those meds, mj is a much better alternative. but.......Texas law doesnt play when it comes to god's gift to man. as for the issue with your kids....theyre still kids and will be for many years to come. i wouldnt worry...
  10. KillerRedd

    1st Grow- Northern Lights & Jock Horror

    chopped this sticky little girl yesterday. maybe a bit early but it still looks good. im on a little timeline so i cant harvest some bud before my bday in a few months...i found an effin seed already...immature. my guess is they both must have been pollenated by my NL male. oh well...hope i get...
  11. KillerRedd

    1st Grow- Northern Lights & Jock Horror

    im back....ok, my first grow and i believe i managed to hermie my first plant. ive found three fully developed seeds and a bunch of small broken white premature seeds from a couple of small sample buds. i didnt notice any pollen sacs but the buds did appear strange, as if they were pods. i could...
  12. KillerRedd

    1st Grow- Northern Lights & Jock Horror

    ok....its been eight weeks of flower and i went ahead and chopped the jock horror. i had not seen any progress and about 80% of pistils had turned dark, also showing no signs of trichomes....that i could see anyway. had a slight smell when handled and when i trimmed i found a fully developed...
  13. KillerRedd

    Simple drying method wanted:

    of course!
  14. KillerRedd

    Simple drying method wanted:

    cool....ive got a box, a dark area and a small fan. i think im in business......much thanks!
  15. KillerRedd

    Simple drying method wanted:

    what about putting a cfl inside the box for added heat?
  16. KillerRedd

    Simple drying method wanted:

    you too napa.... how about using a box? what about temps? it stays around 75 in my house with mid range humidity.......
  17. KillerRedd

    Simple drying method wanted:

    i will be choppin shortly and was just looking for some suggestions on drying. its my first harvest and i dont want to screw it up too bad. i searched a bit thru the forums but i just keep getting a headache. thanks for the input.....peace out!
  18. KillerRedd

    1st Grow- Northern Lights & Jock Horror

    potassium sounds like it could be it due to the fact that i didnt start any nutes at all till week 3 of flower. and then im just using mg bloom and molasses. im at the end of week 6 now so how many more nute fedding should i give?
  19. KillerRedd

    1st Grow- Northern Lights & Jock Horror

    i started feeding a little late in the game but theyve had approx. 4 ph'd nute feeds and they seem to be getting worse, esp the sativa. what kind of def does it have...can you tell? my guess on the sativa is a nitrogen def. theyre still standing strong so im not gonna chop unless they get...
  20. KillerRedd

    1st Grow- Northern Lights & Jock Horror

    yea...check previous pics. pics 1,6,7 are of the sativa who is losing leaves rapidly. the rusty leaves are still taking over the NL but it looks in better shape. ideas?