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  1. S

    My first Medical Grow DWC Sour Cream, LA Conf, White Widow, AK47 COMMENTS WELCOME

    Hey Alan nice to meet you mate! Can you advise us on your total dry weight after harvest! Hope you get mass quantities!!! If possible can you let me know how much your W/W puts out and also end finishing height for her, Ive got some W/W and Super on at moment and only ever done bag weed, so...
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    Advice Bringing from bloom back to grow

    Thanks Bud Theres not much to clone yet, was hoping bringing back to grow would solve this, what you recken
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    Advice Bringing from bloom back to grow

    Hello Can anyone send as much advice on bringing a plant back from bloom to grow so i can clone the arse out of it? Managed to score some purple strain that was in budding(outdoor in Coco), smallish plant not many branches, was started just before winter from seed where im from its near...
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    Cloning in winter

    Hello If anyone has any hints on best ways to clone throughout winter that would be excellent Any clone techniques you have that work well feel free to add them Cheers in advancebongsmilie
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Yea been on grow for 2 weeks and bloom for 11 weeks :(
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey bud, Ph up or down in your nutes and a ph stick or tester kit should do the trick. Ive never heard of the vinegar thing, does this bring it down or up? With your flush run plenty of water through to get rid of the excess salts Hope it was helpfull
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    P.S she definetly looks worth a damn
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey bud, thanks for compliment, I cant tell you how long coz im not skilled with that stuff, but maybe can swing you some pointers with your other question, if its chemical burn which it looks like, flush with ph balanced water to get the excess salts out, dump your resi (if your using one) and...
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    Average Yield per Plant (dry) Indoor

    Sounds like a lot of the touchy people are still averaging shit yields, lol, maybe put more work into your crop rather then being clever and you'l get more then 3,oz, good luck with your puss colars, heres one nug thats well over an oz
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey mate, theres some updated pics. Thanks for all your help
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey M8 thanks very much for all your valued advise They certainly are one of those never ending sativas, its starting to frustrate me and my mate You mentioned one more good feed, is that one more week on feed or one more good night at it? if these were your nugs when would you commence...
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey M8 Been getting advise from you in the is it ready to harvest forum!!! Just checken if it would be ok to switch my bad girls onto their final flush for the next 7-10 days? Also got to check, if the hairs will start going full red throughout the flush and when drying upside down? The...
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    Average Yield Indoor

    Thanks bud, plants are looken like 8 o plus unsure till dry (tryen to calculate the cream without disapointing myself), done many attempt in past but coz of break ups with misuses had to pull early , never got a full vege in. x's are worse then fungus nats i worked out
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    Average Yield Indoor

    Hey Just seeing what people are averaging per plant on indoor
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey bud, Thanks for your advise, you were spot on with what we have marked on the calendar Can i ask for a couple more pointers? After the 10-14 days do we then commence flush for a week, or should we start that sooner? Do nuggets all of a sudden mature up at the end? there pretty firm but...
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    My roots are brown is this normal? help

    Rotten roots, smell funky and when pulled on, easily break away Microbial avail in Australia, unsure about worldwide is good pythium and diseased roots........... Generally once you have rotten roots, they dont have much survival chance, You will also have higher chance of getting sciarid flies
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    Hash extraction

    Hello Does anyone have any recipies for bulk hash production? Cheers
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    two week flush no yellowing

    Do i flush for approx a week of just straight ph balanced water?