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  1. T

    Which cloning gel/ powder works the best?

    I've successfully rooted Viburnum cuttings with powdered root hormone, seems as if gel is considered to be a superior application method based on possibly real world experience, possibly hype (its gel so you know it's got to be better dude!!1!!) I bought Olivia's cloning gel from the local...
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    Fish tank water as fertilizer for plants?

    I have fish tanks, and I was thinking that fish poop and chewed up pieces of food at the bottom of the tanks would make good fertilizer. I've only done it once so far, and the plants seem to be responding well. Anyone else using fish tank detritus as a home grown fertilizer?
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    If the stigma/pistil is standing straight out one day, then the next it's curled...

    If the stigma/pistil is standing straight one day, then it's curled under the next what is that an indication of? This is in regards to growing in dirt. Seems to me this is an early sign the plant needs water, either that or it's too close to the light, but we're talking prolly 20 inches from...
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    It's top water turbulence that puts oxygen in the water, not your air stone.

    I just figured i'd bring this up because I think there are probably a lot of people out there who don't know this. According to what i've been reading it's not the bubbles in the water from your air stone that oxygenates the water, it's those bubbles breaking the surface tension, causing...
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    On a scale of 1-10...

    How important is it to distill your tap water before you water your plants with it on a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being most important. Thanks.
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    What's the ideal sized grow space for one 1000 watt HPS?

    The literature from the light company says 8'x8' is the primary light growing footprint with 12'x12' giving off "secondary light". I was thinking of a 6'x6' tent. What is your opinion? TY.
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    Couple of questions about DWC

    What type of air stones should I use for DWC. Ive heard from someone who owned a hydro store that some are better than others, though the ones he was selling were very expensive. You need smaller bubbles for DWC, is my understanding. Also I'm not sure what air pump(s) to use and whether to use...
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    Obama Tries To Sway Marijuana Voters, Marijuana Voters Toss Him The Finger

    47th in job creation in a state that has higher than average levels of employment. During Romney's tenure it got down to under 5%, right now it's at 6.1%.
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    Obama Tries To Sway Marijuana Voters, Marijuana Voters Toss Him The Finger

    Neither the Republicans or the Democrats want to legalize weed. We need to work on fixing the economy, Obama's 6 trillion in new debt, 8% unemployment for 43 consecutive months, and 46 million on food stamps is unacceptable. Time for a regime change in DC.
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    Where should the digital thermometer readout and sensor be placed inside a tent

    I'm noticing as much as a 12 degree F difference depending on whether the readout of the digital thermometer is in the shade or in the direct light. The sensor is hanging where the tops of the plants are, and has been fixed in that position. I'm guessing I need to keep the sensor in direct light...
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    On a scale of 1-10...

    On a scale of 1-10, 10 being most important, how would you rate dark time temperature drop of a few degrees in importance? Tnx.
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    Cool mist humidifier WORKS

    One thing I have found that can literally make a ten degree difference in temperature is a cool mist humidifier. I'm far from a grizzled veteran, but I can tell you from experience a cool mist humidifier in conjunction with air conditioning can make a significant temperature difference, just...
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    Is there such a thing as too many lumens?

    Lets say i'm growing plants and the tops of the plants are 14 to 17 inches from the glass shield of a 1000 watt HPS. I can keep the temperate at 14 inches from the glass shield of the light at 80F or lower it down to 75F or even down to 72F and keep 40-50% humidity, light on. I have read...
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    9 weeks into flowering and buds look extremely underdeveloped

    1000k light in a grow tent. 3 plants in 3 gallon pots of dirt. Constant fresh air supply from an outside the house source. I'm 9 weeks into 12 on 12 off and I've got the start of buds, and that is it. This is my first grow, but it's obvious these plants are far behind in terms of bud production...
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    flowering plants don't look like they're progressing at the same pace

    3 females flowering and one appears to be much farther along than the other two. They're supposed to be ready for harvest in approximately one month, but it looks like the 2 that are lagging behind won't be ready by then. They were all started at the same time and have been under the same...
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    How often should you water?

    Hi. I'm growing in dirt in half gallon pots under a 1k HPS. Approximately how often should I water? Tnx.
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    4 plants doing great, one doing crap?

    All plants are under the same conditions, four of them are booming, one is 1/3 the size of the others and all the leaves on it are limp. I've tried to move it around my growing space to see if it will improve. Does anyone know what the problem could be? TY in advance.
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    Question about odor control

    Hi all. I have a room that is around 1000CFM to filter, if I were to air filter the entire room. Would it be a bad idea to get a 2400CFM Odor Sok coupled with an 8 inch in line fan to clean the air of the entire room, or would that be terribly inefficient and should instead construct a room...
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    How many plants can I put under a black star 240 watt?

    Hi. The black star 240 watt website claims the light can flower plants in 3'X2' area (6 sq ft). How many plants can I ScroG in a 3'X2' area? TY.
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    Some friendly advice

    Hi all, I wanted to pass on a warning to the good people here. I would not post pics of my crop on this forum or any other forum. I know of three individual instances of the fuzz showing up to people's housing after they have posted pics online of their crop in forums such as this. Two of them...