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  1. R

    Please help! already lost 15 plants!

    i 1st go this rule if the leaves are pointing up the plants r getting hot 2nd if they are curling down and pointing to the soil its something to do with the nutriance or lack of .good luck
  2. R

    smelly babies (help)

    Thanks for the replys guys they helped especally the muffin fan in the bucket idea. again thanks
  3. R

    smelly babies (help)

    any good tips on how to neutralize the smell outside a room .i know about carbon filters and the cost of them :{ is there any more ideas apart from this ....thanks all
  4. R

    Lower leaves dying

    hi i have the same problem ,i am guessing it might be a too acid soil causing a lack of nutrients to the plant ,and you not using any nutrients or ph balanced water is a problem .go get a ph tester asap flush the pots with balanced water and get some feed ....good luck