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  1. C

    Supplies list for a beginner?

    sorry if i would of read a litlle better i would have read you was in so cal
  2. C

    Supplies list for a beginner?

    dont know where you live but ive got a 400w hps and im just now going into flowering but my utility is almost 200.00 a month. Even with the purchase of a new ac unit. Not sure if you will need the humidifer. What is the humidity now? How big of a room you growing in?
  3. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    starting flowering tonight i have an easycool6 got temps down to 77degrees. I have 10 flowering, two is confirmed females, i think ive got a couple males in the bunch but we will wait to see. Ill give another couple days to week to hopefully be really able to tell if full blown males. I mean i...
  4. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    Any one has experience wtith fox farm nutes, My question is what mix ratio is best for veg and vice versa This was my first grow and i follwed the mix ratio on bottle, basically i was wondering can i grow stronger on next grow? I vegged for a little while longeri think i have a taller room...
  5. C

    First Time CFL Grow -Big Bud-

    Thanks mine are 30 days old today, so i think ill switch to flowering tonight, they are roughly 12- 16 inches tall.
  6. C

    First Time CFL Grow -Big Bud-

    How old where your girls when u started flowering?
  7. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    thanks,my bigger plant turned out to be a male. Ive got the temp at about the same. 80-85 with lights on. Humidity is 50-65 Feeding them full strength now they look alot better, no more drooping leaves, only late in the evening right before the light go off, wonder why? I finally think i have...
  8. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    What about during flowering, what should the temp be?
  9. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    How to pinch or prune?
  10. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    I will post pics tomorrow they look to have brown spots with yellow leaves, missing something i think.(maybe nute burn too). I sprayed with epsom salt (generic for cal mag). I don't think ill do that again. Ph is fine. 6.4. temp is now great at 79.2, humidity is 45-55 when the lights are on...
  11. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    I'm looking at buying LATER, much later when can afford. A air cooled hood, right now i have a HTG Supply Maxwing basic setup. Anybody have any sugesstions without breaking the bank on a air hood 400w. Just for a closet grow. When do i need to start flowering? They were germinated on the 5th...
  12. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    The light ended up about 27 inches from the top, which has the temp at 82 degrees. I know i'm losing alot of lumens but i also can't heat stress the plants either so what do i do. Don't want to increase electric bill. Looking better today since transplant.
  13. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    I know right
  14. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    I did raise the light thats how i got the heat down off the top of the canopy. They are not curling as bad today, Matter of fact they look real good today. Pis to come later this evening.
  15. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    I have an ocilating fan blowing through the canopy already. I also have my temps down to 81 in the day, 69 at night. My soil is earthworm castings, perlite, vermiculite 2:2:1. The castings are for the seedlings for nutes. ph is stable. cant afford to get anything reputable here where i live...
  16. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    i have LST the bigger one and supercropped too.
  17. C

    Drooping leaves (heat related?)

    I have three week old plants. Have not fed nutes yet Some are drooping, please do not say overwatering, i do lift the pot and stick my finger deep in soil, so when i water the soil is dry. The day temp was 84-90 degrees, during the night 73-77. I have a 400w hps agro max bulb two fans one is...