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  1. P


    i am new, just F*cked up my first grow some im going again... I just germinated them so wish me luck!! BTW whats a good pest killer to get rid of ants :eyesmoke:
  2. P

    Plants Wilting!! idk wtf.... HELP

    well the whole plant died all the leaves wilted and fell off. then the main stem and all the others where turning hard and like a dry looking yellowish color well i F*cked up.. on to the next grow i just germed the seeds today. wish me luck!!
  3. P

    Plants Wilting!! idk wtf.... HELP

    i checked it this morning... almost the whole plat has willted :( theres 2 branches left alive and im sure thell me gone tomarrow
  4. P

    Plants Wilting!! idk wtf.... HELP

    ill put pix up tomarrow if its still alive :*( ... i didnt have access to a camera today
  5. P

    Plants Wilting!! idk wtf.... HELP

    I was feeding my plant today an was mixing some of it in the soil and i think i broke some small roots. I went back to cheeck on it and 2 branches where wilting! u could see it trying to get the other branches... idk what to do?!? should i clip off the branches or just the leavs or just let it...