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  1. EulogyGrowUK

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Also, he was thinking of the method which involves flushing(rain) the ladies and then after a few days, giving them their feed of nutes to which the plant will wick them up fast and doing this every time he waters the plants during the flowering phase to get bigger bud growth. Is this safe for a...
  2. EulogyGrowUK

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Thanks for reply - Still need to know whether to use root juice or alg-a-mic aswell? My monkey cant wait to start growing 6 lsd plants, and will be sure to start a grow journal for you lovely growers to guide and help me if need be kiss-ass. :peace:
  3. EulogyGrowUK

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Hi follks, I'm new to forums:mrgreen: My pet monkey is going to be growing the old skool organic way pretty soon and has jus a few noob questions: He's going to be using 11 liter plant pots, will he need a few clay pebbles in the bottom for good drainage? He is going to be using BioBizz all...
  4. EulogyGrowUK

    jus a few quick questions from a begginer.

    Hi follks, I'm new to forums:mrgreen: My pet monkey is going to be growing the old skool organic way pretty soon and has jus a few noob questions: He's going to be using 11 liter plant pots, will he need a few clay pebbles in the bottom for good drainage? He is going to be using BioBizz all...