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  1. Kart0oN

    spider mite habenero spray

    i didn't even read the link you posted but i have a book i have seen it in that i read... i forget the exact measurment but it is a good spray to use for spider mites you just have to find the right amount.... also another thing you can use is neem oil, or corriandar oil if you really want to...
  2. Kart0oN

    Too much air / Too little humidity

    well then he can just take off the cover and allow more air flow in and adjust accordingly which would be ideal to controlling the humidity to the level you want it :leaf:
  3. Kart0oN

    Does Rain Lower the Potency of Marijuana?

    the only issue i could forsee would be the same concept of squeezing your buds it destroys your trichs on the spot of contact when you have touched/squeezed during development ... if the rain is as strong as you say thats the only concern like you said you can make a roof for it but make sure...
  4. Kart0oN

    is it safe to bring em out now?

    you should be alright to bring them outside the days are getting longer once you pass the point where the days go from getting longer to getting shorter (summer solstice?) you can no longer put your plants outside or they will start to flower from natural light deprivation... until then you...
  5. Kart0oN

    Too much air / Too little humidity

    what size is the room? i would just keep it partially blocked its no different than using a fan with a carbon filter or ducting which restricts air flow the fans life expectancy will just be lower, that or switch out your fans for 1 that you dont have to block... good luck :leaf:
  6. Kart0oN


    go on ebay you can get panda film for cheap huge rolls of it next best thing after panda film is flat white paint or if you trying to make a reflector to go over your light you can get some sheet metal and bend it to your needs and make 1
  7. Kart0oN

    My 1st grow. 65w cfl 1'x'1' grow area. growing OGdiesel.

    looking good man that outdoor plant is mighty nice glad to see everything is well.. good luck :leaf:
  8. Kart0oN

    My 1st grow. 65w cfl 1'x'1' grow area. growing OGdiesel.

    idk man its still tough to tell but if i had to guess it seems like calcium problem or PH problem
  9. Kart0oN

    New to - New CFL Grower - Think I may have issues already. Help!

    Yea MG has never done me wrong yet i live up in NE wanna hear even more mind boggling information? is use tap water also... just leave it out for 24hours let the chlorine evaporate adjust PH BARELY bc it comes out of the faucet at around 5.5 and good to go never had a problem lol i know it...
  10. Kart0oN

    New to - New CFL Grower - Think I may have issues already. Help!

    i have yet to have a horrible experience with MG soil like so many others have claimed to have, MG soil as long as you have the right NPK ratio there is really nothing wrong with it, 2 seasons ago i grew with MG soil and set up my buddy with MG soil and a grow (outdoors) between the both of us...
  11. Kart0oN

    New to - New CFL Grower - Think I may have issues already. Help!

    i was being extremely generous on the lumen penetration i was just trying to provide some sort of example to keep in mind but bak you are right, outside of like 4-5 inches cfl penetration is terrible but you should still try and reflective all the light you can even if it is 5% and yes the...
  12. Kart0oN

    New to - New CFL Grower - Think I may have issues already. Help!

    yea i know anything outside of like 1ft and thats pushing it there really isn't much lumens to reflect with CFL's but its still a good rule of thumb for any grow and should be practiced regardless of lights and it cant hurt lol
  13. Kart0oN

    My 1st grow. 65w cfl 1'x'1' grow area. growing OGdiesel. here you go this is the post i was talking about from ahwile back also i dont know where u live if they have stop and shops (grocery store) you can also pick up the molasses i was talking about there good luck! :leaf:
  14. Kart0oN

    My 1st grow. 65w cfl 1'x'1' grow area. growing OGdiesel.

    sounds like you got your plan together .. only thing i could think of is when you were using the dyna im assuming you were following the label in the recommended usage? you should probably back off of it by like 1/4 as its still a relatively small plant and the root system is not massive like a...
  15. Kart0oN

    New to - New CFL Grower - Think I may have issues already. Help!

    you might as well put it on the wall true flat white paint has like a 90% reflectiveness to it and things like solar blankets and panda film are like 93-95% i believe dont quote me on it so an extra 3-4% isn't going to hurt thats for sure... BUT when/if you do put it up make sure its as flat as...
  16. Kart0oN

    New to - New CFL Grower - Think I may have issues already. Help!

    thats what im sayin you get a tri-fold you put it right around the light in front of the tarp as close to the light as possible and you are ahead of the game alot for less than $5 you really cant go wrong you already have a white wall so your only losing like 2% reflectivness vs. the blanket but...
  17. Kart0oN

    New to - New CFL Grower - Think I may have issues already. Help!

    I know the main objective would be to get a reflector hood for the light and thats a great start and should be #1 priority but that wasn't what i was really addressing ... i think you should get the reflective walls not just that blue tarp and a bunch of open space i really think that would...
  18. Kart0oN

    My 1st grow. 65w cfl 1'x'1' grow area. growing OGdiesel.

    no prob man anything i can do to help love these little grows as they require the most attention for maximum results truely makes you appreciate nice nugs so much more when your burning what you worked so hard to grow lol ... i think you should be fine with the stem that snapped a little as long...
  19. Kart0oN

    New to - New CFL Grower - Think I may have issues already. Help!

    i think your next step should be building some sort of wall to contain all those lumens you are now putting out you can do something as simple and "ghetto rigged" as taking a sun blocker for a car putting it around the lights maybe get some kinda foil above the light to get it to bounce back...