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  1. T

    Preffered Method of Smoking [PMS]

    tons better than using a pipe or bong cuz if u drop the blunt its all good u drop the bong ur fucked with no weed and no bong OLDSKOOL TOKING is alwayz preffered less chance of breaking something
  2. T

    <The mouth smoking method>

    haha loss of vigilance funny shit
  3. T

    Preffered Method of Smoking [PMS]

    Blunts and joints all the way something about smoking a nice fat resiny roach after a long day
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    New grow 3 strains in SOG

    how and when is the sog best implemented in your experience
  5. T

    When Will USA Fall?

    then what happens when all that pollution finds its way west into the rest of the world, crops and animals will die hell we could see another black plague if the world isnt careful and starts caring about the real green and not just making green
  6. T

    Hi another newbie :P

    go green grow green it should be the slogan for forward thinking people
  7. T

    Touchdown Jesus struck by lightning, burns down

    ahahaha thats what the midwest gets for trying to fuse sports with religion dont we have enough corruption in the world dont take our sports too
  8. T

    Depths Of The Universe And The Fragments Of Your Mind!

    all the world has are opinions neither right nor wrong but all have a delicate inkling of the truth within. all we have to do is believe that there is more to the universe then just what we can see feel smell hear taste and percieve for there are more senses within the mind then just the 6...