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  1. xxGOYOxx

    Are these good?

    broken page....
  2. xxGOYOxx

    OG Porn! 5000w 43 Days in!!!

    HOLY SHIT!!! 5000w....imagine the light bill!!! your better off buying dank....
  3. xxGOYOxx

    Seedlings cracked but no root ?

    Naw...I'm doing the paper towel method....I germed 9 and only 1 made it....
  4. xxGOYOxx

    Seedlings cracked but no root ?

    I've germed and they cracked but no root in 4 days...i can see the root trying to come out in all of them but only one has rooted and i planted it..but the 3 others, no luck....should i trash them and do some more seeds, or wait a few more days.....? will they rot ?
  5. xxGOYOxx

    FIRST HYDRO JOURNAL - Armageddon - Motivation

    Who the f**k sells seeds for 750 ? what a rip off...
  6. xxGOYOxx

    bud pics...

    can i have sex with your plants ?
  7. xxGOYOxx

    Day #11 without smoke or even being invited by friends to smoke with them..going nuts

    pull it together and get a grower's guide and quit paying for shit that was raised commercially.
  8. xxGOYOxx

    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    With growin weed with cfls comes great responsiblity. By this i mean, if your willing to grow with cfls, you should research LST techniques to grow effeciently at an optimum quality.
  9. xxGOYOxx

    Harvest Pics and More! ~

    i think i just nutted on myself from that pot porn....nice grow....looks
  10. xxGOYOxx

    Check This 10 Pointed Fan

    Thats pretty sick dude, i had a set of 8's on my first
  11. xxGOYOxx

    How long can i leave a seed submerged in water after it has germed already??

    Thanks Man ! I am going to do this now, nobody ever made it clear as you did as to why the cup method should only be used for a minimal amount of time.....can you recommend a good seed site ? i don't want to buy 80$ seeds and end up with a letter from customs...
  12. xxGOYOxx

    can you plant germed seedlings with the pointed end up ?

    i read somewhere that you can, and i just did since it was so short. If you can, do i have to cover the whole seed and taproot or should i let a little bit of it be exposed to light ?
  13. xxGOYOxx

    How long can i leave a seed submerged in water after it has germed already??

    I've done it before though, with success. Do you think i should plant them already ? even though they are about 1/4 inch long ?
  14. xxGOYOxx

    How long can i leave a seed submerged in water after it has germed already??

    Okay so heres the seed dry, before germination. 0 heres the seed when in water, submerged for a week. 0==> thats very short to plant for me because everytime i plant when they germ to that size, the root turns green, then brown then dies before the shell even cracks. I like to plant them when...
  15. xxGOYOxx

    How long can i leave a seed submerged in water after it has germed already??

    ok, so i germed some seeds but none are even half an inch and they have been germing for like a week under water in a cup, i like planting seeds when the germed seeds get long so i can actually watch it grow from over the soil with some taproot visible, but these just won't grow and the last one...
  16. xxGOYOxx

    Male or Female ?

    Hi there, i'm grow noob, and i took some pics today and i'm quite pissed off at what looks like a male. However, this is my 2nd plant ever, and my first never got to the bud stage sadly, but, this is what i got so far. and it looks like a freakin MAN! But anyways, what would you say it is...
  17. xxGOYOxx

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    how the hell are you guys flowering when the equinox hasn't even occured yet....
  18. xxGOYOxx

    Budding/Flowering stage question about experimenting with lighting?

    I was wondering if it was a quantitative thing or a qualitative thing that plants need for lighting to induce budding. By this i mean does a plant need PERFECT EQUAL lighting for example : 14/14 or 15/15 or hell maybe 24/24 (quality of equalization and balance of lighting) Or does it ALWAYS...
  19. xxGOYOxx

    Cloning Question

    Yes, your clone will grow with an hps 400w under 12/12 light schedule but it will grow slow as hell. Considering your using and hps and then 12/12........You will also need to take your space into consideration as well as the heat emitted by your hps, because that determines weather or not the...