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  1. tranquiltoker613

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    sup goten been following this grow and again a kudos on keepin the forum friendly, hard to do now a days! I got four or my girls outside at the moment an man this weather has been brutal, ive been takin three of mine in when i know these hellacious winds are comin through but have left one out...
  2. tranquiltoker613

    rc site checker

    can someone pm me a legit seller as well im also in search, it would be greatly appreciated
  3. tranquiltoker613

    4 Tops on 1 Plant... PICS...

    i agree completely. bro hit google up, its a miracle what u would find, and dude smoke a joint a chill the fuck out phxfire. this site is becoming overwhelmed with novices, which is not a problem until shit like this defeats the whole purpose of why we're even here
  4. tranquiltoker613

    Fox Farm

    right on tits! ok seriously this arguing is bs we need to be discussing growing. vento i understand you tryin to help this guy out so that he does not get banned and i know thats all you meant by it, but the way it was said i can also see how it was taken offensively which is why i believe that...
  5. tranquiltoker613

    Central Valley medical grow...Maui Wowie..Super Silver Haze...

    nice plants man, especially for a first time grow, just goes to show what a little information and time can do. Hope you can have some dank just keep it up!
  6. tranquiltoker613

    LA Woman, Hashberry, Blueberry ak cross,bagseed pink pheno flower

    was up guys, got my outdoor ladies starting to produce some dank and though id share the progress thus far, sorry for the pics i was hoping for the pink pheno in my bagseed to be visible but crappy phone wont pick it up, pix are in order with all at about three weeks into flowering except the...
  7. tranquiltoker613


    i wouldn revert back to that schedule now but if you do it wont matter that much even though it is some stress, if you do have it on that flowering cycle then do not top it because you should only prune during veg imho and if you are back on the regular cycle wait about a week for her to adjust...
  8. tranquiltoker613

    grow your own wins again

    unfortunately i only let it dry for 5 days but this was jst a little sample to hold me off and now that ive got my fix im good :) the rest is gonna get the full treatment though as i dont want all the potential to go to waste jst because i wasn able to wait
  9. tranquiltoker613

    grow your own wins again

    we're alive arent we?
  10. tranquiltoker613

    grow your own wins again

    ok so im sure all of us on here grow pot and/or blaze it, duh! i jst harvested one of my plants after some miscommunication with my usual hookup, it was slightly early but not too far off so i decided wat the hell. well this was def the best decision ive made all week:hump: im high as a kite at...
  11. tranquiltoker613


    its def alot easier to let it go on its own and more reward but if your wantin to go ahead i would put it in around 6 pm and bring it out around 7 or 8 in the morning, im in NC and do this to a few of my plants for earlier results and ther're budding like crazy on this cycle
  12. tranquiltoker613

    3 Word Story

    with the abortion
  13. tranquiltoker613

    AK 47 is all i gotta say xD

    AK 47 is all i gotta say xD