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    MYSTERY PROBLEM?!!?! Humidity??? Mites??? help..... 2.4k medicinal grow.

    Not sure, I dont use those ferts all together in the water. Those are the nutes I use through out the whole grow + or - some others. I though that might be a issue but not getting any leave burn?? (I'm running around 1400ppms.)?
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    MYSTERY PROBLEM?!!?! Humidity??? Mites??? help..... 2.4k medicinal grow.

    Hello Everyone, I've just started a new grow.. larger than what I have ran in the past. What I'm running are some Sour OG - there are about end of week 3 or begining of week 4. i think... :wall: Sometime last week I found out I had a little bit of mites not to crazy very little but had to...
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    $15 Digital PH Meter, both solutions and free shipping

    Haha... Im such a sucka... I think I might hope on that deal too!!! lol
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    Should I bother with a 400W MH???

    @ CAmmo: thanks for that link man, thats definitely in my kinda ball park!! HPS ordered!!!:mrgreen: Most of the ones I found were around $40, but now were talking... @ dirty D: followed you thread... looks really really good... Ill see if maybe Ill start up a journal to show where Im at...
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    Should I bother with a 400W MH???

    I came across a 400w switchable MH/HPS.. I have some nice little vegging girls on T5's... I was really gonna just throw them outside and let the flower outdoor. Should I bother in flowering under a MH?? will MH give me a good flower??? :mrgreen: I didnt have any money thats why I havent been...
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    $15 Digital PH Meter, both solutions and free shipping

    i placed mine that same day.. Got it like 4 days ago.. You should check the status on there order!!!
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    yellow yellow, yellow....cant figure out why??

    :weed:GREEN GREEN GREEN!!!! Finally had another feed about two days ago.... And green is flourishing everywhere... Thanks alot for all the help you guys..:hump::hump::hump:... I guess the run off would have been pointless!!!!
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    yellow yellow, yellow....cant figure out why??

    so I got some good green colors coming thru.... but still have some yellowing.. I just ordered a Ph tester for the soil.... so maybe taking Carl's advice about soil.... the f.f. big grow did really help though.. but i think there might be slight lockout still.. Thanks for all the continued...
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    yellow yellow, yellow....cant figure out why??

    So its been two days since last feeding. gave them some F.F. big grow...its has about 6% Nitro....dont know if that would be enough??? Should I get something stronger???? Starting to see slight color coming back...
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    $15 Digital PH Meter, both solutions and free shipping

    haha dont feel bad Zer0ed, they got me too. LOL ORDERED!
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    yellow yellow, yellow....cant figure out why??

    So ive been doing so much reading about this its fustrating.... I have 4 plants vegging for about 4.5 weeks... I had them under CFL's, but I got a t5 like 2 week ago.. Ever since then, the plants have turned really yellow.. Read about nutrient lockout and deficiency... Did flush them about a...