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  1. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    hi guys, another quick question.... is there any benefits to watering at the end of the 12/12 cycle so the roots are soaked in darkness? or is it best to water in the "morning" of the cycle? thanks
  2. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    thanks to you both! any cheap co2 ideas?
  3. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    i was thinking a larger inline fan but its already loud enough on a night. i will deffo be getting ducted hoods when i get some £££ in but atm theres no chance! you say co2 bottles keep heat down? or have i read that wrong? ( i think i have) i assume you mean co2 along with the A/c?
  4. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    I have 3 in the mother room atm but when i put upanother 600w i will have another ballast too. I keep them in the mom room as its my coolest room, they would overheat for sure in the flower room. I think im going to need a A/C unit or something but at the moment im broke so cant afford one...
  5. P

    Ganjas Back!1000w Perpetual SOG ] Ebb 'n' Flow

    hey... personally i would say they are big enough. I have topped from as small as the 2nd node without a problem. people say from 3rd/4th but i dont know the actual reason why... Nutes on the other hand, i alway wait till you have a decent root system. i wouldnt wait for anything too major...
  6. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    cool, they are about 2 inches away from each other at the moment. they take up shit loads of space. i may have to construct a rack for them at some point.......
  7. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    quick question... i dont have much space in my grow space unfortunately and all my ballasts are in the mother room which is the coolest room. My Q is, is it ok to stack the ballasts on top of each other or will they become too hot and over heat? PJ
  8. P

    Ganjas Back!1000w Perpetual SOG ] Ebb 'n' Flow

    Looking good!!! Great even!! Although i agree with SICC, last few weeks are deffo the most important. Looking forward to your mom post though. I have 4 moms now atm and they are bushy as hell! i actually cant control them! you have 10 so you must be able to teach me a thing or two there...
  9. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    woops, ive had a bit of a set back. in my aero cloner, i forgot to change the water as it had some light nutes in. when ive put my new cuttings in it they have all gone soggy, soft, fell over and died :( just a little tip for any body using one.... DO NOT USE NUTES UNTIL ROOTS HAVE FORMED...
  10. P

    The Perpetual Early Retirement Grow!

    tangerine dream sounds lovely :) i was going to get it but ended up with Ice Kush instead. hopefully a good choice.
  11. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    NO WAY!!! i transplanted mine today and the roots were about a inch long. several though not just one. i read somewhere that they transplant when they were half inch. i know what you mean about downstairs/upstairs. makes sense! will leave the next lot to grow longer. although, the 15 Cali that...
  12. P

    Keeping My Res Alive

    I had the same problem. I found by just simply making a smaller batch does the trick :) Its usually the simplest things in life that works the best. Good luck
  13. P

    The Perpetual Early Retirement Grow!

    plenty there pal. look healthy!!! what strains are there?
  14. P

    Ganjas Back!1000w Perpetual SOG ] Ebb 'n' Flow

    Hey ganga, how do you acquire new strains? is there like groups you go to and swap things round or something? nothing like that near me and dont trust anybody to tell them i have something to swap. i want to get some new strains too but id have to go from seed. any ideas on what to go with next...
  15. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    decided i am going to transplant any that seem to have a decent root system so far. i thought id take pics tomoz all in stages. Transplanting> then taking new cuttings to go in the cloner. Also, so far, split stems and scraped also seem to be the way to go!!! roots galore in the cuts!!
  16. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    thanks man! ive been experimenting a little as ive taken the cuts. some i have scraped the bottom inch or so. some i have split the stem about a half inch up. some i have split and scraped the stems and some i have just left alone. i will report my findings when this cycle has finished...
  17. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    thanks St. should all be getting busy soon once i plant the first 18 california orange cuttings!
  18. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    just a quick Q. how long should roots be before transplanting into soil? ta
  19. P

    SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!

    Roots are going wild now. some are even 10mm now with several different sites. Gonna be busy once they are all potted! even more so when they need harvesting!
  20. P

    The Perpetual Early Retirement Grow!

    Would love to do something like this in my shed, but the slightest sniff of weed around my area and it will get broken into almost immediately!!! damn thugs! ha Sub'd!!! Good luck! Only thing i would suggest is, if you are going to have a shit load of cuttings to root and raise, i would...