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  1. T

    deja vu while tripping?

    this has happened to me on two distinct occasions. the first, on lsd, and the following, on shrooms, have been really interesting trips because of this aspect. i theorized that perhaps, as aldous huxley wrote about, psychedelics release the brain from its biologically advantageous inhibitions...
  2. T

    ***SERIOUSLY*** take a look :)

    i mean that's not a lot of bud or anything...
  3. T

    hey man, i've been looking around online for an rc supplier and your name popped up on one of...

    hey man, i've been looking around online for an rc supplier and your name popped up on one of these forums from last july...i joined and put you as the person who referred me, dunno if you get extra points for referring people but i guess it could haha. anyway, i tired to pm you but for whatever...