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  1. fuzzmcnasty27


    thats wut im proly gonna do i already have the bulbs i just need a fan an ill be in business:hump:
  2. fuzzmcnasty27


    will do man for sure thank you so much again
  3. fuzzmcnasty27


    alright dude your awesome help cuz ill prolly end up going with the 23watts i might end up throwin a fan in what sort of ventilation should i go with if i dont put a fan in?
  4. fuzzmcnasty27


    prolly going for a 2x2x4 my buddy i used that setup once an he said it got a little hot should that be sufficient though?
  5. fuzzmcnasty27


    see i havent gotten that far into it yet im still lookin at my potions on grow rooms an wut not but that does help for sure thanks!bongsmilie
  6. fuzzmcnasty27


    shit i was hopin i wasnt gonna have to order stuff online wut if i would set up like 4 of them? or would that be a disaster?
  7. fuzzmcnasty27


    alright i see where your goin with that an Scott187 its 100watt rated im pretty sure its this one
  8. fuzzmcnasty27


    alright thank you a ton do you think (1) 100 watt CFl would be alright for (2) plants or am i gonna need more?
  9. fuzzmcnasty27


    Im all new at the growing end of pot so heres my question do you need to germinate your seeds if planting in soil? Sorry if its really stupid, just need answered
  10. fuzzmcnasty27


    i have thought bout hydro but it seems a tad difficult an expensive so im prolly gonna end up growin in dirt
  11. fuzzmcnasty27


    So im new on here an want to start increasing my knowledge bout growing before i start with my own growing definetly think i found the best place for help <<-Fuzz->> :peace: