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  1. E

    One Plant, One Dream..

    The lights i saw were called a heat light or lamp.. I never got it because im afraid of the heat worth a look if you go to your wally world. Best bet is to go to lowes im hearing, im doing good with just CFLs
  2. E

    First time growing ever. Well first time they are growing. MAZAR seeds and 1 unknown

    Plants are really coming along. Have any plans for the future like a set date too go into flowering?
  3. E

    ~New grow!~ 10 Regular bagseeds; mystery strains - CFL/Outdoor grow -

    nice plants new pics soon i hope
  4. E

    My first grow: The bagseed edition!

    Lookin good
  5. E

    is this plant health? male or female? lol

    Usually you dont have too transfer your ladies til they they get much bigger like 3 weeks old, id read on some sites that you usually know if its time to transplant by how tall the plant is, if its double the size of the pot in height or just the same size not sure tons of websites tho that have...
  6. E

    Im very new first week into growing need advice

    Compared to those ladies im a newb.. man those are nice plants im at 3 weeks now and there now half that
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    My Frist Grow!

    You're gonna get alot of yeld plz post how much im curious of how much a plant that size gives
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    My Second Grow

    k remember to post them id love to see ur ladies
  9. E

    White Bugs. What are They?

    There termites
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    Why is my plant growing like this?

    I agree that some people like you are stupid.. At least come up with your own words... =\
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    Why is my plant growing like this?

    Yes i was joking, i was high, i hope his plant makes it and when it does make it he will have learned alot from making the easiest mistakes like overwatering. CHEESE
  12. E

    Plant is slanting, help please.

    i would suggest using the sun i have a 8 foot plant on my roof and she is budding now just wonderful
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    Why is my plant growing like this?

    That plant looks like its gonna die in the next week. Best of luck trying to save her, ill be smokin ma phat blunt from my successful grow
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    My Frist Grow!

    they are extremely bushy
  15. E

    Risk it?

    I would agree to disagree to agree with the above statements
  16. E

    Are seeds from schwag stress weed high yeilders??

    ya avoid dirt from your garden buy good soil, raise it like your child n she will pay for herself threw college.. and make u proud :)
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    Lets hope it dies
  18. E

    first grow need help

    Beautiful plants, i hope you post the yield i am eager to find out how much she ggives
  19. E

    one snow white and dealers random (waitin suggestion)

    yup tanks for just ignoring my complete sentence, later
  20. E

    where to start and what will i need?

    This shit be some kill.. I dont even know what it is but damn am i high, i am to high! what are you talking about again quigz i cant remembmer something about plants or something