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  1. sinhand


    round 2
  2. sinhand

    Anyone? Think Am I Ready?

    i harvested the smaller lsd and am currently harvesting the one i nicknamed beefcakes. thats a big gatorade bottle btw.
  3. sinhand

    Anyone? Think Am I Ready?

    i will with the others but i just went out and bought the 60x scope from radioshack and this one lsd is definetly ready
  4. sinhand

    Anyone? Think Am I Ready?

    well i think im going to harvest one of my lsds, possibly do a partial harvest on the others or let them go a week or so
  5. sinhand

    Anyone? Think Am I Ready?

    yeah thats just a fan and 3 and 7 are the same plant
  6. sinhand

    Anyone? Think Am I Ready?

    i have a jewelers loupe and this is week 9 right now.....two of my plants seem to be pretty mature with the trichs are about 20 percent red.... the other two however are still pushing out lots of white hairs and i dont see very many red trichs at all.
  7. sinhand

    Anyone? Think Am I Ready?

    updated pics.... 3 and 7 are the only ones i think are ready...
  8. sinhand

    What Would You Do?

    thats what i like too hear.....this is a brainstorm.
  9. sinhand

    What Would You Do?

    i plan on it...when the funds come threw.. i just figured rollitup was a land full of dreamers like me.
  10. sinhand

    What Would You Do?

    ive got a pretty decent grow going right now. i didnt really want the defualt forum noob answer.. put some thought into it. i was thinking 8000 watts with 2 months veg with 12 plants in the flower room that way it'd just work out...currently im using 1000 watt hps with 16 plants. while they're...
  11. sinhand

    What Would You Do?

    lol...thats what i'd do too...i just wanted to know what you'd do.
  12. sinhand

    What Would You Do?

    if you had a limit of 25 plants....a fairly large ammount of space and time. what i mean to say is what is the most efficient way to get the max yield out of 24 plants(one of the 25 being a mother)
  13. sinhand

    Anyone? Think Am I Ready?

    2 or3 weeks for lsd? That would put them at 11to 12 weeks I appreciate the feedback but that seems like a long time; for a9 week strain. I'll just post weekly updates, I guess
  14. sinhand

    Anyone? Think Am I Ready?

    updated pics on my l.s.d a week later.....really really want to harvest.
  15. sinhand

    Anyone? Think Am I Ready?

    Sorry I turned off the 1000 hps to take the pic I'm well equipped
  16. sinhand

    Anyone? Think Am I Ready?

  17. sinhand

    my ladies

    are we there yet?
  18. sinhand

    my ladies

    so they're starting to bend over from the weight of the buds...not sure how i feel about that.
  19. sinhand

    my ladies

    i'd be happy to cover cost. looks like ill be well supplied for awhile.
  20. sinhand

    my ladies

    they're under 1000 watt hps and two 90 watt triband leds....with co2 pumpin.