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  1. Gnarley

    Waterfarm Mods & Tips

    I run my dripper 18ON/6OFF
  2. Gnarley

    Waterfarm Mods & Tips

    what do you mean how much off the big one???? after playing with it for a few days, using water color to see how it would flow i think ill have it run for 3min once every hour. the gravity takes about another 10 to level the water out and dump back in to controller. ill prolly start a journal on...
  3. Gnarley

    DIY Carbon Filter

    Nice filter. good detail on thread. I have been taking apart my Can filter and repacking them every year with a similar method of heater filter and activated carbon.
  4. Gnarley

    Any advice on water-farms is appreciated.... anyone used perfect ph by advanced or seen it for...

    Any advice on water-farms is appreciated.... anyone used perfect ph by advanced or seen it for sale? i only use advanced nutes. i will be following the expert level per my itouch app on this next hydro grow i will start sometime in august. any advice on the use of advanced would be...
  5. Gnarley

    Waterfarm Mods & Tips

    top view of niner and controller bucketscontroller and res will be out side of tent in final setup.res will have shut off and will only be allowed to top off controler once a day. i plan to use connoisseur on this grow along with some other advanced juices.Has anyone seen or used ph perfect...
  6. Gnarley

    Waterfarm Mods & Tips

    OK, love the thread found it just in time just got the water farm 8 pk(Ebay 200.00 still should have just made it myself but...) well i got 9, four on each side with a 9th on the end that acts like a T(my own idea I like to call the niner set-up). i have a 100gph inline pump in cold water bucket...