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  1. bcbudbrad

    Harvest Time? ( newb )

    Or just snip a bud off dry it and smoke see how high you get man.
  2. bcbudbrad

    Harvest Time? ( newb )

    I just picked up a pocket microscope 30x, My local head shop had one. You can see the trichomes on the buds. Ive been told that once they look milky and not clear they are good to go. Just google trichomes.
  3. bcbudbrad

    Cold weather mature plants?beat 1st frost?

    Ya I really dont think the frost is good for your plant, I would try to bring her inside at night if thats possible for you.
  4. bcbudbrad

    Purple Leaf Tips

    Moving them inside at night is good too man, I bring mine in just cus the dew and to get them 12 hours of dark as well. What strain?
  5. bcbudbrad

    Purple Leaf Tips

    I've been told its cold weather but I've also been told its the strain genetics. Either way I live in an area where its gets a bit colder these days towards harvest and mine have always turned a bit purple. They have always been good to go. So ya no worries man.
  6. bcbudbrad

    BabyBuds OUtdoor Growth!

    haha that too
  7. bcbudbrad

    BabyBuds OUtdoor Growth!

    Hang to dry, put it in a cookie for about 24 hours then open the jar up, the buds should be moist again, then i take them out maybe lay them on some news paper or some ppl leave them in the jar either way open it up till they are dry again. They should be cured after that. That way you can seal...
  8. bcbudbrad

    First time grower. Trichomes on the leaves and the bud. Whats the diff

    If I could sell leaves I would be rich.
  9. bcbudbrad

    First time grower. Trichomes on the leaves and the bud. Whats the diff

    Have fun smoking your leaves. Ever had some one try to sell you a bag of leaves. lol. Trim yes you can make hash and butter or smoke it I guess if you ask these guys. But leaves man?
  10. bcbudbrad

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks man thought so.
  11. bcbudbrad

    When to harvest (pics)

    If I could get some feed back on how much longer I have until harvesting these ladies that would be great. I know its hard to tell from just a pic but like I said any feed back would help. I was told the clones where purple kush. Long time smoker first time grower. These pics are about a week old.
  12. bcbudbrad

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    These pics are about a week. Most of the hairs are brown now.Thanks for any feed back.
  13. bcbudbrad

    First time grower. Trichomes on the leaves and the bud. Whats the diff

    The trichomes on the leaves are called cystolith trichomes and do not contain any THC. If you look at them with a magnifying glass you will not see the resin glands on the tips of them as you would see on trichomes that are on the buds. No THC No High.
  14. bcbudbrad


    Hey, I have four plants outdoors just starting to bud now. I am planning on bringing them indoors into a two car garage and using a 250w or 400w hps light. I was wondering if I needed to vent the light or the room at all. I am not worried about the smell. Thanks yo!
  15. bcbudbrad

    Outdoor to Indoor

    I have four plants outdoors just starting to bud now. I am planning on bringing them indoors into a two car garage and using a 250w or 400w hps light. I was wondering if I needed to vent the light or the room at all. I am not worried about the smell. Thanks for any info.
  16. bcbudbrad

    Purple coloring

    Most likely Purple Kush. An Indica strain.