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  1. O

    leaf problem (pictures)

    5.2 is not fine.... stay between 5.5 and 6.5 with hydro.
  2. O

    is any thing going wrong

    Heat stress my ass..... they are fine.
  3. O

    Drooping plants in need of help

    Looks like you stressed them.. and then over watered them =(
  4. O

    Uh oh

    do you have a water softener? if you are watering with plain old tap water... you could be giving them any random PPM ... toxic salt buildup could be why your folage edges are curling up. But.. that could also be heat stress or lack of watering. Go buy some distilled water and flush the...
  5. O

    I dont know what to do :(

    LESS WATER.. most bud plants like to dry out pretty good before being watered again. Get a water moisture meter.