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  1. M

    The trichomes are -

    so if the hairs haven't receded thats mean it was to early? what if 99% of the hairs were red dark orange?
  2. M

    Whack it at the base - WHOLE plant drying

    im on day 2 of my whole plant dry and dont make fun of the others growing lol been awhile since last grow
  3. M

    a few questions

    thanxs for advice fellas.. gratefuljoe i kinda dont understand the 24-72 dark before harvest for extra trichs cause if the plants creating more because of it wouldn't they be immature trichs(clear) which from what ive read dont have fully realize thc in them???? any experts like to chime in on...
  4. M

    a few questions

    first is it better to cut my plant with lights on or off,, second i was thinking about just drying my plant with no trimming till i go to jar them leaving the fan leaves and all.... third i cant really make drying cab light tight cause i have to put it in my flowering room its not much light...
  5. M

    POWER AFrica season 2010. BUDS

    beautiful harvest.. gl on your many more...
  6. M


    oh yea i buy gallons of distilled water from store cause from trail and error i found the distilled water mixed with the earth juice keeps ph at 6.5 6.7 depending on nute strength
  7. M


    yea i got sum at show once and it became my personal favorite... i got it in 3gl smart pot 1/4 ocean forest and 3/4 happy frog with a hand full of perlite mixed into happy frog earth juice line of nutes.. 2 150w hps with 3 big cfls at bottom in a big closet fan on top of dresser blowing...
  8. M

    Purple Kush chop tomorrow.

    yea i have no way to drop temps in the breeders description it said watering with gradually colder water for last 2 weeks works to but i kinda think that would stress it eithier still beautiful ladys u have gl on the great harvest
  9. M

    My plant completely dried out. [Pictures] HELP

    do you close up the tent when lights on if so keep open till u get the air circulating and i never had a problem with starting in big air pots but i do a layer of ocean forest on bottom happy frog on top i do 1/4 ocean forest and 3/4 happy frog and handful of perlite mixed into happy frog that...
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    thanks i was kinda thinking they were long finishers thanks for confirming it how well do yours take to feeding mine i fed a 1/2 dose and it started to burn alil but 1/8 dose it seemed to like??
  11. M


    how long does it usally take to finish any growers with any other advice about this strain is greatly appreciated
  12. M

    Purple Kush chop tomorrow.

    very nice i have purple kush going at the moment and was wondering if you did anything special for them to turn purple and is 10 weeks a good flowering time for that strain again beautiful ladys
  13. M


    thanks good article i got a cheap radio shack one should i be checkin the bud straight on plant or is checking the sugar leafs a good determing factor on the overall doness of the plant?? 4.5f super sour diesel 2 months flowering... 4f royal purple kush 2 months... 3.7f sage 7 weeks...
  14. M


    i went and bought a 60x-100x scope and its kinda like fuck i cant hold it away and focus to see and i dont wanna just go rubbing the damn thing on the buds there very trichy i cliped a few sugar leafs and checked them that way is that right??? and beginning a novice really dont understand what...
  15. M

    End of the world

    the whole thing is just fear mongering to get the dumb to buy for the worst the media is the best place to fear monger for the big companies fear mongering created the prepper
  16. M

    time to harvest or not yet?? pictures

    i would wait 2 3 more weeks imo trichromes still a lil clear
  17. M

    Whack it at the base - WHOLE plant drying

    im about 3 weeks from harvest and from what ive read ill be trying this way sounds like a good idea
  18. M

    9th week flower...READY???

    atleast 2 more weeks imo but id wait for scope you might be surprised that there not as far as you think
  19. M

    Time to harvest?

    i would say atleast 2 more weeks but as said post some more pics in 5-7 days to see were there at radio shack has a good cheap scope i paid $14 for one best money spent hard to use at first but once you get it down helps alot
  20. M

    help please

    thanxs for advice all i think ill just cut the starterleaf branches till the 3rd node and see what happens and try to clone them if they dont root oh well the branches im cutting are about a foot long should i make them shorter for cloning..