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  1. bedspirit

    Chart that I can't get out of my head

    I agree with much of what you're saying, but I think it's very difficult to pinpoint small areas where the free market exists. Take your farmer's market for example. Demand for your products and the products of other retailers is already dampened because the government subsidizes some crops in...
  2. bedspirit

    Chart that I can't get out of my head

    I appreciate the whole "telling it like it is" vibe you got going, but this statement is not actually true. On one hand, you could argue that classically defined "free market capitalism" has never actually been successfully implemented anywhere, ever. It is a theory that free market capitalism...
  3. bedspirit

    Noam Chomsky LOL

    I'm a libertarian socialist. It allows me to find common ground with my dumbfuck tea party drinking buddies, and still talk those Occupy bitches into the sack. I can do all that and remain ideologically consistent. I think Noam's apparent contradiction is a reflection of the love/hate...
  4. bedspirit

    Memo my former employer put out on friday

    I think that is accurate. I just got a job with the federal government and I had to pass a drug test and sign a document that said I wasn't addicted to marijuana or LSD, which i found odd because I don't recall the document mentioning heroin, cocaine, meth, or pharmaceuticals. Do people still...
  5. bedspirit

    Memo my former employer put out on friday

    You must have had some shitty jobs. Most of my working life was in Washington State which, my former lawyer told me, has some of the strictest labor laws in country. I've read their laws and I didn't find them particularly strict. They basically just ban discrimination. I never realized that...
  6. bedspirit

    Memo my former employer put out on friday

    I was going to call Bullshit on this until i looked up "Right to Work" states. All red states. I've never lived in one, so I don't know what it's like. This is much trickier in states that haven't legalized discrimination.
  7. bedspirit

    Memo my former employer put out on friday

    You are absolutely correct on this. I've been through it. The lawyers I talked to estimate that a company will spend a minimum of 10 grand going to court over eeoc complaints. Even when a company is confident that they can win, they will sometimes settle just to avoid the bad PR.
  8. bedspirit

    Memo my former employer put out on friday

    Again, while this might be true, employers have to be very careful about how they do this. Every state constitution protects employees from discrimination. Each state can define discrimination differently. In some cases, the fatties might be protected.
  9. bedspirit

    Memo my former employer put out on friday

    Employers have to careful about that kind of shit. Every state has different laws that regulate how an employer is allowed to treat his/her employees. For example, in Illinois, an employer could fire an employee who refused to give them access to their facebook information. A few months ago...
  10. bedspirit

    Memo my former employer put out on friday

    That's not true in all 50 states: More difficult questions arise, however, when an employer seeks to implement a policy that adversely affects an employee or applicant who engages in off-duty smoking. Thirty states and the District of Columbia have enacted ‘lifestyle&#8217...
  11. bedspirit

    Memo my former employer put out on friday

    If I remember correctly, the law does contain language that defines an amount of THC that has to be in your system to get a DUI. So as far as the police are concerned, there is an acceptable level of THC. This company is not allowing for that safe level. While it's true that it may not break...
  12. bedspirit

    Memo my former employer put out on friday

    Check out this memo that my former employer put out on Friday: 11/09/12 To : All *** Employees From : ********** *** provides this memo in response to the recent passage of Initiative 502 concerning the legalization of marijuana. *** wants to make clear its expectation regarding drug use and...
  13. bedspirit

    Memo my former employer put out on friday

    Check out this memo that my former employer put out on Friday: 11/09/12 To : All *** Employees From : ********** *** provides this memo in response to the recent passage of Initiative 502 concerning the legalization of marijuana. *** wants to make clear its expectation regarding drug use and...
  14. bedspirit

    The Debate Thread

    The last month or so started to make me think that these two guys were actually a little bit different. That changed tonight. Basically, they're the same douche.
  15. bedspirit

    New Obama video revealed

    You're not a Romney guy? If you're voting Gary Johnson, I apologize. But the point I was making still stands. There is no juicy soundbite that will change the minds of any casual voter. This is just fodder for the enthusiastic politicos who already have their minds made up. The reason...
  16. bedspirit

    New Obama video revealed

    So you got nothing? You can't explain it? I'm not the one with a horse in the race. I'm not voting for Obama. You, however, do. Isn't it much more likely that you're seeing something that's not there because you want it to help your guy?
  17. bedspirit

    New Obama video revealed

    What the fuck is "derp"? So you think Romney was merely saying he wouldn't attempt to get their vote, not that he wouldn't represent them? That's fine, but if that's what he meant, then I don't understand. How does one try and win the vote of "those" people? Would it be by advocating for...
  18. bedspirit

    New Obama video revealed

    Spell it out for me then because I don't see it. Romney said, "My job is not to worry about those people." Can you see why that was a big deal? It's clear. It doesn't require explanation. It's soundbite ready. I think there is a conspiracy theory that the Bush administration hated black...
  19. bedspirit

    New Obama video revealed

    As far as I can tell, the racial part comes from the Katrina reference. I know the media narrative surrounding Katrina was that Bush hates black people, but I don't think regular people see it that way. I know five people who lost a lot in Katrina. Every one of them was white. One of them...
  20. bedspirit

    New Obama video revealed

    I didn't give a fuck which one of these assholes wins because they agree on all most important issues, but this election season sucked me in. It's like that time I watched a whole season of American Idol even though I didn't care for any of the singers. That being said, I think the right has a...