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  1. Vanez

    The states that currently issue them are: Alabama, Arizona, Colorodo, Conneticut, Idaho...

    The states that currently issue them are: Alabama, Arizona, Colorodo, Conneticut, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucy,Louisiana, Massachucetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island,South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin. here's a Link to a site...
  2. Vanez

    Autoflower First Grow Ever!!

    3 days left on these babies, here they are 1.AK-47 (lowlife)2.same3.errbody.4.Roadrunner5.Purple Jems
  3. Vanez

    Autoflower First Grow Ever!!

    ok I need some help im kinda freakin on this here, it has not gotten any better, should I go for the flush?
  4. Vanez

    Autoflower First Grow Ever!!

    So I dont know what happened, I fed my plants their third week, they definately needed it, and now its exactly 6 weeks in and they are showing signs of well I dont know, this happened before, I beleive its missing nutrients, so I fed them 1/16 of a cup of happy frog flower to start . originally...
  5. Vanez

    White Widow, Purple Widow. PICTURES!!!

    hey I know this post is pretty old so mabye you dont check it anymore. I got some purple widow seeds myself and I wanted to know which grow box you used, is there a company website? or is it just a generic type thing? Those plants are beautiful, hats off to you.
  6. Vanez

    Autoflower First Grow Ever!!

    dude, youll love that plant, its a serious beast, took off from the very beginning, much luck be with you! and thanks for the comment, makes me feel that im doing it right! lol
  7. Vanez

    Autoflower First Grow Ever!!

    1.Roadrunner2.again PJ claw.
  8. Vanez

    Autoflower First Grow Ever!!

    1. purple jems Claw! Why! notice the front right PJ looks sad panda, not quite sure why. 3-4 Roadrunner is a BEAST, seems to be doing fine. abit of claw on the bottom fan leaf on 3.
  9. Vanez

    Autoflower First Grow Ever!!

    Hey, so this is my first ever grow, got 3 purple Jem Females and one Roadrunner fem. from Le Attitude. they are currently in their 29th day, I started them out in their original pots with foxfarm light warrior top, with ocean forest filler and some hyrotodon for aeration. I use 1000watt HPS...
  10. Vanez

    lowlife ak47 auto, grow from day 15

    I have no experience with this strain, but I will soon. It seems you either put the seed down too far and or packed it too tight
  11. Vanez

    my plants are looking like palm trees no leaves on the bottom please

    I had a similar problem with a certain one plant, I built a light box lined with mylar and a single long Flourescent, it turned out to be too little light, so yeah I agree with teh rest of the posts. the thing I had to add is that it could have some sativa genetics,(ended up why this particular...
  12. Vanez

    Yellowing from the bottom up

    another point I would like to make, is that the browning isn't occurring from the tips down its in the middle of the leaf interestingly enough, I'm inclined to believe the N deficiency since i've just been doing water for awhile. any more theories are welcome, I have until tommorow.
  13. Vanez

    Yellowing from the bottom up

    thank you for the info, one last question, even if its starting off with brown spots first before they yellow and fall?
  14. Vanez

    Yellowing from the bottom up

    i dont think its the RO water this started much before that, but seriously N definciency? that usually comes up as washed out leaves I had that with some test clones of a plant I jacked off of Whole foods lol. as for the soil, the main bulk is foxfarm light warrior, to fill in the rest is some...
  15. Vanez

    Yellowing from the bottom up

    I have this 3 foot Sativa plant that has always been difficult, its kept because it is a female. Its been kept in soil its whole life (about 4 months), and was fine until the last 2 months, when I transplanted it to its permanent home. heres a pic! as you can see most of the lateral leaves have...