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  1. S

    Critical Mass/Big bud#1

    on further expection i took one of the buds that looked infested which was very brittle also it is a purple brownish sort of orange tint to it also there are no other buds that are turning either but ill keep a close eye. i did see a black spec on a pistil this could of possibly just been caught...
  2. S

    Critical Mass/Big bud#1

    i really hope not none of the other buds are doing it it's just the lower two but never mind to them as i took em off as they were brittle and then looked at them and then whacked them in a reefa along with some nice cheese also the temperatures have been getting anywhere below 9°C and lowest it...
  3. S

    Critical Mass/Big bud#1

    it's only on two lower nugs it doesn't seem like it's moving through the plant and if it is not that fast but and yes i can take it indoors but people could proably see me taking it there and back everyday i have Super Sour OG growing indoors ;D
  4. S

    Critical Mass/Big bud#1

    hello guys i live in england and i am growing in a greenhouse i started off with 2 freebies of big bud #1 which is skunk #1 crossed with afghani and i have some questions and photos for show, in my greenhouse my plant has been growing there and been budding for a bit and it's all looking nice as...
  5. S

    First Grow: Jet 47 - PC Grow Box

    Hello DuBzZ they look so dank! i started off with 2 jet 47 seeds 1 germinated the other rotted which was bad luck but i've ordered some II Diavolo but back to what i was going to say do you think that i should lst my jet 47? as i'm still deciding and im doing a stealth pc grow lst might be my...
  6. S

    Interupting photoperiod

    Well my plant has been flowering for 5 or so weeks, and my plants get light from 7am till around 7pm or less, and as I went to bed(early night for me ;) ) I found that someone in my house hold had left my bedroom lights on, around this time it was 11 o clock I asked if anyone did this and they...
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    SkankTank first time grower pics

    Cheers, it does seem a good idea, but do you think they might be a bit big for scrOG?
  8. S

    SkankTank first time grower pics

    Well, this is my first time growing everything is going well, but I'm beginning to think my plants might be getting quite big for the green house, also I'm not sure if the neighbours can see or will see my plants there around 4ft without the pot but with the pot roughly 5ft, i can force flower...