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  1. sithlordssuck

    What are these fuckin spots?

    i didn't let it go at all, i noticed them about 5 days ago and asked a friend (by the way everything he has told me has been wrong) he said its nothing not matter what it was my plans were strong enough where i could let it go for a few days and see what happens so some leaves had more spots...
  2. sithlordssuck

    What are these fuckin spots?

    so i went "hardware" store and got ed rosenthal's zero tolerance. the cat workin the counter said beacuse im 5 weeks into flower its organic and with just spray down above and under the leaves ill be good i am also going to bleach the fuck out of my room and vacuum ill let you know if ed...
  3. sithlordssuck

    What are these fuckin spots?

    i dont see white on the underside i see brown shit
  4. sithlordssuck

    What are these fuckin spots?

    if you let it run it's course, it will run straight to the grave, web coated and all :mrgreen: so what can i do about it?
  5. sithlordssuck

    What are these fuckin spots?

    Below are two photos of a shade leaves, most my girls are big and strong. I feed them once a week (foxfarm [tiger, bigbloom]) I water with distilled water twice a week on top of feeding. I am 5 weeks into flower and on most of my leaves are getting spots. I cant seem to find out what it is. When...
  6. sithlordssuck

    Shade Leaf Spots

    Below are two photos of a shade leaves, most my girls are big and strong. I feed them once a week (foxfarm [tiger, bigbloom]) I water with distilled water twice a week on top of feeding. I am 5 weeks into flower and on most of my leaves are getting spots. I cant seem to find out what it is. When...
  7. sithlordssuck


    im going to use 3 800wtt dual ballasts (cool tubes), all 3 in line in on a 12 foot rail (which i may not even need). I will run ducts to all 3 hood directly outside using an inline fan (its an attic space, it will be lined up along the peak of the home) plus and fresh air intake and with 4...
  8. sithlordssuck

    Cooking with Keif

    I have friend that adds about an 1/8 to a batch of brownies but last batch he cooked butter with a gram of keif. He says there strong but im about twice his size and i never catch a buzz. What a normal about to add to an batch of brownies?
  9. sithlordssuck


    I'm few weeks away from my first go at this, i plan on cutting at the soil and hanging by the stalk. I read that his allows the sugars to seep down and make a sweeter smoke, any thoughts? Also should i trim right away or just hang em for a week or two and just let the shade leaves crumble off...
  10. sithlordssuck

    Where to buy lights dual(mh/hps)600w under one hood for around $500 has anyone used a dual fixture if so have you a significant change in quality and yield?
  11. sithlordssuck

    clone question

  12. sithlordssuck

    clone question

    Well it warmed up in my hood, and the past few days my space has been very damp. So damp it developed mold on the base board but not on my women from what i can tell. Is this a problem a little clorox can't solve? My second question may sound dumb but i have about 12 clones in plastic shot...
  13. sithlordssuck

    light cycle interruption

    yeah thats what i was thinking only 2 hours tops either way im 10-10 i wanna go 8-8
  14. sithlordssuck

    light cycle interruption

    word thanks for the input, there strong as fuck right now so i think they will bounce back nicely
  15. sithlordssuck

    light cycle interruption

    is it possible to adjust time from say on at 12am and off at 12pm to say on say on at 6am and off at 6pm? im 3 weeks in thus far
  16. sithlordssuck

    2?s Mold and Clones

    Well it warmed up in my hood, and the past few days my space has been very damp. So damp it developed mold on the base board but not on my women from what i can tell. Is this a problem a little clorox can't solve? My second question may sound dumb but i have about 12 clones in plastic shot...
  17. sithlordssuck

    Estimate? How Much...

    lollipop? whats that