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    HELP. Self Inducing Flowering

    Absolutely but I'm just concerned with the pot size and I know it gets much bigger when its flowering so hopefully a bag will cover it when it gets much larger!
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    HELP. Self Inducing Flowering

    The two top sets of leaves have 11 spikes on them, 9 under neath. Very healthy leaves, and plant. Hoping just to finish the whole process you know? Next time i go big.
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    My Girl

    wow sick job dude, that looks like my plant if i left it in veg for another fuckin 2 months. awsome though. I'd never leave its side!
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    HELP. Self Inducing Flowering

    Okay mates ill post a couple pictures of my one plant, first and my baby. Since last year when i tried this I got to 2 feet and a huge storm came and cracked the THICK branch in half, anyways questions. 1) Right now im at 14 Inches and i want to self induce flowering. I put a large black...
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    1 month kush with pics help please mates

    Okay guys so im first time grower and i got a nice kush plant in my backyard. It's been growing 6 weeks or so now and all of a sudden about a week ago another little bugger poped up beside it in the same pot and seems to be growing faster then the other one! My question is why did it pop up so...
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    Outdoor Purple Kush Western Canada HELP

    K thanks man that gives me some help. I'm not absolutely positive it is PK because i got a batch of Northern lights, PK, and OG, and a random Kush and got seeds out of the batch i bought. All the seeds were planted. I just remember planting a PK one at the end and i think that is what this is...
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    Outdoor Purple Kush Western Canada HELP

    can anyone answer mah question? is this a slow growth or what?
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    HELP Couple questions mate. HPS and Pruning

    1) Okay i took this out of someone's post in the outdoor growing section "i got the plants on the outside on 5-28-10" what does this mean. i know 18/6 is time or 12/12 but does this have to do with time as well or fertalizer? 2) When i prune a branch where do i snip it, im sure this questions...
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    I need advice from a pro.

    inside of a tent gets even hotter to man shit
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    yellow leaves at bottom

    can the baby leafs ever produce bud on its branch? or is it just garbage by the end
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    Outdoor Purple Kush Western Canada HELP

    very VERY nice, yea i read your post also im sick of buying my trees so i researched and now im giving this a go. Still have to learn alot but im hoping ill get it down, tired of paying 70$ for a quarter that lasts me 3 days
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    Outdoor Purple Kush Western Canada HELP

    yea i had 4 but they were garbage seeds and didn't grow well. And i lost one on a transplant from that pot you see there to another, i didn't have one at the time so i poked holes in the bottom of a milk carton filled it up with the soil and planted it, next day it was dead. How can i test PH...
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    Outdoor Purple Kush Western Canada HELP

    So any advice on Fertalization, Watering, ANYTHING would be great, dont want to lose this baby to a wind storm like last year.
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    Outdoor Purple Kush Western Canada HELP

    Hey guys alright so i finally found a good forum it looks so. My plant sprouted on June 11th and it has only grown to approximately 5 inches right now, its also on its second set of nodes. It's very healthy and when i planted the seeds i used a N-P-K 15-30-15 and have not used any fertalizer...