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  1. caveman

    What Do You Like To Do When You're High?

    man i like to jsut chill out maybe watch a film good cheech and chong or a friday maybe a how high depends wot mood. then i like to get my munch on i dont like nuffin to physical because it makes me feel like im working.. damn im a lazy bastard
  2. caveman

    Have you ever gone green ?

    i think i have it was while i was bonging some really janky rocky in my back garden
  3. caveman

    my white russians goes insane

    corrr they look well niiice whish i had a crop like that this year bongsmilie
  4. caveman

    how do i get over

    thanks ill try a couple of bong hits n hit the road thankssss
  5. caveman

    Iq Test

    i got 124 waheyy
  6. caveman

    how do i get over

    man i no im paranoid i no im being silly but it gets to a point where u think every that can go wrong in that specific situation will. call me a pussy man i dont care if your jsut unna be negative. nah i love smoking dont want to quit jsut want to be able t deal with an everyday situation...
  7. caveman

    how do i get over

    right i used to smoke everyday did it for years now ive had to chill out and stop lay off for bit. the paranoia fucks me right over like really really bad. but i LOVE token how do you get over it and has anyone eles been like that:confused:
  8. caveman

    paranoid or what lol

    that is sick man
  9. caveman

    What's Your Job?

    im currently looking for job but i start college next month doing plumbing round 2, i wanna stick to it this time
  10. caveman

    Growing in storage. good idea?

    in my opion thats jsut asking for trouble i get parionid enough with ne plant in my back garden
  11. caveman

    An actual bigfoot found? PHOTO! Please tell me I just smoked a good J!!!

    its fake dude found it on unexplained mysteries its jsut a costume one big hoax sory fellas n ladies
  12. caveman

    Marijuana a Gateway Drug?

    i believe that alcohol is the worst but the goverment beilvers dont see that because they believe everthing they are told my first so called drug was bud and fuck was it good one pipe and that was is
  13. caveman

    will watering bud with pineapple juice for a couple of weeks b4 harvest make bud swee

    i dont no man but it sure sounds tasty
  14. caveman

    How you feel About Game New Track?

    nahh i think this song is wkd im feeling this song mannn PEACE
  15. caveman

    Smoking Sand

    man im from south east coast i someties get shit weed. ive had mine coated with sugar b4 look well crystally tasted it was sugar..was tastey tho:hump::blsmoke:
  16. caveman

    Your favorite munchies..

    get a peice of batternburg cake and eat with a toofe hoop muller yogurt lol thats when i feel fat bastard and want something propa tasty:bigjoint:
  17. caveman

    bubblegum weed

    thats kool im definatly getting these £50 from serious seeds
  18. caveman

    fucked leaves and smelly plant

    ahh i see thank you
  19. caveman

    should i get this?

    yehh when i was in florida i saw this car dealership sayin are cars a the best they do 30 to miles to the gallon as if it was a good thing...
  20. caveman

    Rate the persons avatar above you...

    i give it a 10 cos that dog looks gansta lol :eyesmoke: