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  1. PuFFtOkeSMOKE

    clone leaves bright green?

    No, I see this in a lot of plants. As the leaves get bigger the light green fades away.
  2. PuFFtOkeSMOKE

    General Hydroponics Nutrients

    Thanks dropastone, much help! :)
  3. PuFFtOkeSMOKE

    General Hydroponics Nutrients

    Anyone use the floragro or florabloom? Im working with a 29 gallon reservoir for my 6 plants, anyone know how much nutes to put in? and how often? Thanks
  4. PuFFtOkeSMOKE


    Light it looks like.
  5. PuFFtOkeSMOKE


    Anyone have any suggestions for a strain that is good for indoor and will stay small and bushy but yield a lot. I'm looking for something exotic too with frosty buds for hash.
  6. PuFFtOkeSMOKE

    Ordering seeds safe?

    Is ordering seeds online safe? Can you get caught? And if you do what will happen? If anyone as done this and it was fine let me know of a good website.
  7. PuFFtOkeSMOKE

    Any good or bad reviews for this system?

    I am looking to buy a new hydroponic grower because my aerogarden can only fit one plant and a few clones. Anyone know much about Emily's hydroponic grower, made by hydrofarm? If so, tell me if it's a good buy or not.
  8. PuFFtOkeSMOKE

    Help with cloning!

    Oh, So I just need to wait. That does make sense because a whole new root system can't form in a few days. And Spiderball keep me updated on your clones as well!
  9. PuFFtOkeSMOKE

    Help with cloning!

    I need to know if cloning gel is necessary in an aerogarden or will roots grow without it? I recently cloned two plants and they havent shown any signs in 3 days so I was just wondering. All help is appreciated
  10. PuFFtOkeSMOKE

    My new Sicc party cup grow

    What did you do to make this plant start flowering at such a small height?
  11. PuFFtOkeSMOKE

    I don't expect this to be a possibility, but wanted to ask..

    You can if the plant has very small roots still, so that they can grow through the foam inserts, or else you will have te same problem as me. Which is the plant will be unstable because the roots will all be at the bottom in the water not supporting the plant.
  12. PuFFtOkeSMOKE

    Aerogarden Root Problem!

    I have 2 plants about 6 weeks old. They are now about 16-18 inches tall. The first two weeks the plants were in soil, then I got an aerogarden and moved them there and they are doing well but one of them was not put in the foam starter correctly from the beginning. The stem of the plant goes all...