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  1. S


    ne opinions would b great
  2. S


    ok so i just moved about 25 miles from were i was at..and i was growing on my old prop everything has been harvested except one plant i left behind i want to bring it to my new house its in a 5 gal. bucket but im a lil scared to drive with it and would like any input on the situation or tips...
  3. S


    oh ya..50 million emotions going strong guess i am at sum fault but i can honestly say if i seen sumones plants and they looked tookin care of i wouldnt touch them..neways thanx guys for all your cares
  4. S


    lol no i wish that wlda been funny..there were about 4 weeks from harvest so they didnt get the biggest buds..i had 6 all in the same spot and the fucks only took 4 n left me my 2 runts lol...i questioned m nieghbor but she denied it..she is a 60 year old hippy lol consider it a devastating...
  5. S


    it deff wasnt animals the stalks were cut clean and they were real was a person and i told noone...there nbtween my prop and my neighbors prop n a abbanded lot in the middle of briars and thorn bushes..not a thing was dropped not even a leaf but they left me the buckets with the main 4...
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    there all a month away frm harvest..they took my 4 best..n the one was my baby.. the other to i moved but off my property jus n case..i wna kill sum1 if i find outn they jus left me 4 skeletons
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    someone stole 4 of my 6 plants and i have no idea who..they didnt even steal em the cut all the main branches n left the rootball and fan leaves...i might be bing parranoid but sum1 mentioned the police but i couldnt see them doin that..wut should i do with my xsisting 2 plants there
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    yellow tops????

    well thats what i did so i hope there safe thanx for the help veggie
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    yellow tops????

    so i flushed and put some ironite and half strength fert how long til i see a change
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    yellow tops????

    ty other ppls input wld grt
  11. S

    yellow tops????

    will do asap
  12. S

    yellow tops????

    will it hurt if i already flushed
  13. S

    yellow tops????

    in my pics i posted i was having issues one guys said it looked like a zinc deff and other ppl said it looked locked up so to be safe im flushing it look at my pics and tell me wut u think any input is great
  14. S

    yellow tops????

    can u do to much water to flush it????
  15. S

    yellow tops????

    wel i dont know bout them dying ima flush them with the hose for a lil while and resume 1/2 strength nutes like veggie said..ima try n save it
  16. S

    yellow tops????

  17. S

    yellow tops????

    should i flush the soil there anyproducts to flush the much water should i use is it even nute lockup...i posted pictures
  18. S

    yellow tops????

    how do i knw if its lockedout..i dnt give to many ntes but weve had a shit load of rain in a short time
  19. S

    yellow tops????

    i got ironite granuales it says 1/2 tspn per 12" plant thats about the dia. of a 5 gal bucket so should i use that or more or less???
  20. S

    yellow tops????

    thanks man