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  1. tandys99

    Male or Female?? Are these Bud Forming or Sacks of Pollen??

    Male or Female?? Are these Bud Forming or Sacks of Pollen?? Hi there ppl... im into 2weeks of flower, all of a sudden ive had these sacks appear!!? im pretty sure they look like pollen sacks!??!!:shock: can you ppl confirm this??:o i have 32 plants in flower, out of them 15+ have...
  2. tandys99

    Super Cropping - how? when? where?

    thanks ppl.... im right on it now...!!!
  3. tandys99

    Super Cropping - how? when? where?

    Hi ppl:!:... need some good info and know how here... My Question would be, when do you super crop:fire: a plant??? In seedling, young plant, early vegging, late vegging, early flower, late flower?? How?? Result??:leaf: please experience growers, good and bad ponits:idea: would be much taken...
  4. tandys99

    ((((help)))) is this --- a girl or boy--- arjuns ultra haze2 --- pictures

    Thanks Mr Ganja your help is priceless!!! And evryone else... LoL... I've tooken most of the sacks off... But atleast I know, all is not lost... Thanks everyone I will post finished product soon
  5. tandys99

    ((((help)))) is this --- a girl or boy--- arjuns ultra haze2 --- pictures

    so is it safe too say, if I remove all the sacks from the plant, then I can put it back in the flower room?? I did buy these as femized seeds this is a lovely plant n I don't want to destroy it!!! :((
  6. tandys99

    ((((help)))) is this --- a girl or boy--- arjuns ultra haze2 --- pictures

    Hello pll.... Need some expert to solve this problem... The plant has started to flower... But these ball or sacks have appeared from no where!?!? What are they??? Hope its nots what im thinking??? (a boy) they are supposed to femized!!! These seeds where from green house co!!! Help...
  7. tandys99

    Clones - When to put them in to flower??

    thanks tommy... yeah i was unsure if to put them into flower so early would make a difference, but i might wait then, if the yield is bigger... will this not make the plant go even taller once in flower?? thanks...
  8. tandys99

    Clones - When to put them in to flower??

    Some pix of my grow setup..
  9. tandys99

    Clones - When to put them in to flower??

    Hi there... this is my 1st grow... need some advice... WHEN TO PUT CLONES IN TO FLOWER?? The plant is a clone, only 3/4 weeks old, cheese clone grow, plant looks very heathly, has rooted through the big r/w, roots good growth into clay pebbles. Setup: feed is on p.h 5.8/6.0 - e.c 1.2...
  10. tandys99

    curly leaves up, yellow, brown, drying!?!? whats going wrong?? HELP!!

    They are died started new batch lucky
  11. tandys99

    Leaves Tips Are Pointing up??

    This is my first grow ppl All info N tips would be helpful Im growin arjans ultra haze 2 & super sliver haze 3 weeks in from seeds 18/4 lights on/off - temp 25/28c day N 19/22c night CO2 inrichment in grodan 3" rock wool cube now ph 5.6 - ec 1.6 under propagation 55w x 4 lights...
  12. tandys99

    curly leaves up, yellow, brown, drying!?!? whats going wrong?? HELP!!

    hi there... this is my 1st grow... need some help, hope its not to late...!?!? the plant is only 3/4 weeks old, plant looks very heathly (stem wise) suddenly with in 2days it just gone down hill... im only feeding it p.h 5.6 now, no feed... please advise ppl... chronic haze/indoor garage grow...