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  1. purextrato

    1000w cfl grow closet plans

    coming across another thread here in the section, @justanotherboso put a sweet (external) link to several short budget yet neat indoor box plans and ideas, chek it out! Yesterday i was checking the CFL sub-section since i moved one plant indoor, and found lots of interesting stuff too...
  2. purextrato

    General setup question

    EDIT: Updated the grow with a TWIST65W127V-86 | PHILIPS (65W 120v 6500K CFL) more pics of the ghetto lid, lol :hump:
  3. purextrato

    Dinafem critical jack auto grow cfl

    subscribed! this is nice!
  4. purextrato

    General setup question

    Low stress bending tests!
  5. purextrato

    General setup question

    Here some pic updates of the taller planted fimed at its 5th node and cleaned up
  6. purextrato

    General setup question

    Thanks for the help! I will get perlite when possible. Plants are not in the same pot anymore. Using NEEM OIL here the mites are going.
  7. purextrato

    General setup question

    Where is the 'true node'? I think i missed the correct timing, thinking the first node was after the first complete leaf pops out :( Any ideas if i can still cut this to grow at least 4 main colas? Too late? Should i FIM instead?
  8. purextrato

    General setup question

    Thanks a lot Rusty! Jesss not kind to hear this is coming from spider-mites. Here where i live is quite common to see Brazilian Wondering Spiders, just hope i am not bringing eggs to my flat. This is the only plant I am growing, the other plants outside in the garare are Pink Lapachos, those...
  9. purextrato

    General setup question

    Does anyone knows what these dots on the leafs mean?
  10. purextrato

    General setup question

    Some updates photos
  11. purextrato

    General setup question

    No idea what am i going to do. Whats the importance of light isolation during flowering? I thought people setup those light houses to avoid others from seeing the grow.
  12. purextrato

    General setup question

    Not going to run both lamps at once, i bought the fuji bulb as most growers here were recommending, its cheaper and apparently the fuji has more blue than philips, i will try 2 weeks on each bulb to see if the will be any different but i doubt. i dont have a dedicated room yet, my flat is tiny...
  13. purextrato

    General setup question

    Thank you Jerry, im sure that will help, tomorrow i will see if i can buy something similar! Thanks for the heads up! i really need to find those seeds, there were at least 30 feminized seeds, i believe amnesia haze, blue cheese and other kinky seeds among them, i hope my mum didnt chuck it...
  14. purextrato

    The ALL Indoor SUPER Soil Growers Thread

    I was looking for a such thread! Subscribed!
  15. purextrato

    General setup question

    thanks for the help mate! Im sure the products available over there the northern hemisphere are trademark products, right? I heard about b-52 and some other additives. Problem is, I am based in brazil and here these products are most likely controlled by the army and prohibited. i was...
  16. purextrato

    General setup question

    Hello! This weekend I put together a 250w HPS setup for growing only 2 to 3 plants. I have been searching a lot about soil mixes during the last days in the forum, but i didn't find specific threads about soil preparation. Is there an specific thread or section I am missing out? Here some...
  17. purextrato

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Yes i got it now!!! I was very lucky, because i cut at the second node, but the plant had reached the 6 node already, so i am safe i hope!!! :) I also didnt know had 3 plants, really confused when u said 12 main colas, hahahahha Btw... after cutting after the seconf node, i took...
  18. purextrato

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    ooooooooooooo im very lucky then, because it just had 5 or 6, cant remember now :S dude, its taking ages for my plant to grow. Now that i cut for more main colas, it will take even longer :( I think it 2 months old or older already, and tiny!!! Need to buy plant food, or give it a burger king...
  19. purextrato

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    why 5th node? Arent we meant to cut on the second? This stuff is so confusing... Now it is too late then, i cut mine after the 2nd node as stated on the first post :( I though max was 4 main colas, how did u get 12??? Mutant weed???
  20. purextrato

    Home made LED grow light

    How about SMD's? Their meant to have a wider viewing angle then usual LED's. right?